🥀PART 10🥀

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•Jake's POV•

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•Jake's POV•

I am really thankful because Naya woke up already. I drive the car and im now on my way to the hospital. After 20 minites of driving i already arrived at the hospital. I ran and ran until i reached the room of Naya.

"NAYA!!" I squealed in happiness. "Jake!" She shouted while smiling. "H-how long have i been sleeping?" Naya asked. "Babi its already a week. The doctor said you were poisoned." I explained the boys are outside busy with our plan. Right after they knew that Naya woke up they planned a party right away. Other mafia allies and groups are invited.

"Now lets go home? The boys are also waiting for you" then she nodded.


•Naya's POV•

Now me and Jake is on our way to the ENHYPEN headquarters. Jake is driving while me, i just leaned my head on the window still thinking of my father. My real father who was murdered by Nayen.

Finally we already arrived. Jake opened the door for me and grabbed my hand. "Close your eyes" Jake said and i was confused. What is he planning again? "pleaseee" of course i did it. I closed my eyes as he guide me to the entrance of the mansion. He opened the door and told me to open my eyes. Then i saw a banner "welcome home Naya".

"Awww you didnt have to throw a party for me" i said being touched by the boys actions. "Other mafia allies are invited so feel free to socialize" Nii said the they all left. Leaving me and Jake alone.

"Ill just go to my room Jakey" i said then he nodded. Before i fully leave Jake grabbed my hand. "Be careful" .


I was standing outside the house getting some fresh air. Then suddenly.... "So, you must be the new girl of Jake huh." Nayen said who popped out of nowhere said. While me im just confused asf. "Uhm.."
"Oh yeah i know duh - " before i could finish my words a van stopped infront of us then young boys get down and grabbed me. I tried to scream for help but then no one could here me except Nayen and her guards.

"What are you doing? Let me go!!!! HELP!!! JAKEEE!!!" i shouted and shouted. "Oh sweetie no one can here you dumbass" Nayen said. Then she slapped me. "that is what you get for seducing my boyfriend Jake." "YOU JUST SAID HE IS YOUR EX?! NOW WHAT, BOYFRIEND?" i shouted at her receiving another slap from her. "Dont you dare shout at me. Dont you know? We are just using you. It was all a bet Naya. Me and the rest of the boys made a bet that if Jake made you fall in love with him. His group Enhypen wont be attacked anymore." Nayen explained.

My world stopped. Tears falling down from my cheeks from what i heard. All this time the 7 of them are just using me. Suddenly my phone rang.

Nayen suddenly grabbed it. "BABI where are you? Im getting worried youre not in your room." It was Jake. "oh hi babe, its Nayen Why are you calling her babi. It was all  bet right?" Jinha said im just here crying. "Nayen, do not ever hurt her. If you lay a single finger on her ill kill you. What are you gonna do with her?" Jake asked. "babe, ill put her after her father." "NAYEN I CALLED OFF THE BET ALREADY IM NOT PLAYING YOUR GAMES ANYMORE SINCE LAST WEEK!" I heard Jake said. Then the call ended.

So it was all a bet huh. Last week? You just called it off last week? I thought it was all real. We arrived at an abandoned basement. They tied me in a chair. "Yah TXT guard this brat dont let her excape" Nayen said then glared at me. "Dont think that Jake will save you bitch" Nayen said then left. Im just here crying and crying not knowing what to do.

•Jake's POV•

"Jake? Where is Naya? Its late and she is not in her room the party is finish already" Heeseung asked me. "Nayen got her. She even told Naya about the bet. Which i called off since last week." The boys were shocked. "Quick we need a plan" Sunghoon said then we immediately planned for it. She is in an abandoned building and we need to go there right now call SKZ and SVT so we have backup.

Me and the boys rushed. We drove the car and now we are on our way to the abandoned building. We all got down the car. When suddenly a gun shot was heard. Me and the boys looked at each other worried that it must be Naya. We sticked to the plan.

•Naya's POV•

"Nayen please let me go! You can have Jake if you want! Just please let me go" I said while continuosly crying. I received a slap from Nayen. "Its not that easy sweetie. Anw i like slapping you" I stood up and tried to escape but then Beomgyu, one of Nayen's guard grabbed my hand and punched me in my tummy so hard. Blood coming out from my mouth. When Nayen is about to shoot me, someone came.

"Nayen stop!!!!" It was Jake. But right now all i can feel is anger and pain. Jake? Jake lied to me. They all used me to protect that group. They really dont love me. If i get out in here i promise to ignore them and stay away from them. Nayen pointed the gun on me. "THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!" Nayen pulled the trigger directly at my legs. Then Jake shot her.

i felt dizzy and there i was lying down on the floor lifelessly.

•Jake's POV•

I tired to convince Nayen to stop it. But then she pointed the gun on Naya and pulled the trigger. I quickly shot Nayen and there i saw Naya lying down lifelessly.

"No no no Naya please wake up!!!Im sorry im really sorry. I love you Naya im sorry" the cops and the ambulance came. Since the hospital is far from this abandoned building. If we drove back to the city Naya might die. So they inly treated her inside the ambulance. I was also being treated and also the boys because we have wounds fighting with the guards.


After hours Naya woke up. We are still here in the abandoned building. She sat up wondering where we are. "Jake? I think we need to say sorry about the bet. We shouldnt have used her" Sunoo said and everyone agreed. But im not sure if she will forgive us.

•Naya's POV•

"Naya?" I heard someone calling my name. I  just looked at him and it was Jake. I ignored him. " I know you are mad at me. But please im sorry. I love y-" before he could finish his lines i got up from where i was sitting and called my friend Nika.

•Jake's POV•

My girl is really mad at me.

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