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- Janay James -- New York, New York -

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- Janay James -
- New York, New York -

"so how old are you?" i asked pop as we walked through time square.

"20. you think i'ma old ass?" i rolled my eyes playfully as i pushed him and he laughed. "forreal though, i'm only 20"

"so am i. my birthday's in june"

"Forreal? that's next month" i nodded. "what was you sayin' 'bout a son?"

"he's not my biological son.. he's my cousins son but her and her husband got in a car crash and passes away.. Amiri was in the car too but he was only 3 months"

"amiri.. that's his name?" i nodded. "how old is he now?"

"four. he's so grown to me now.. of course he thinks i'm his real mother but he always asks where his dad is when he sees his friends and them playing with their dads. shit sucks but what can you do, right" i chuckled shaking my head.

"My dad walked out on me and my mom when i was five. i know it ain't the same situation but not havin' a dad sucks ass. especially for a lil kid" i nodded. "whatchu' say when he asks?"

"i don't know where his dad went.. fuck i'm pose to do? lie to him? he don't deserve to be lied too.. and i hate that i'm lying about me being his mother"

"your making sure he's growing up wit a mom. ain't shit to feel bad about" i smiled and nodded. "yo' smile cute as hell, shorty"

"okay seriously! you promised" i huffed and he chuckled.

"Come on. i wanna take you to some stores" i furrowed my eyebrows following him as he sped up his walk.


"I'm serious, pop! no" i folded my arms as he held up a wallet.

"You know how to the just shut the fuck up and except shit? i'm tryna be nice"

"i know and it's really nice but i don't need anything. i promise"

"naw. i'm getting it" i smacked my teeth as he walked up to the counter.

i huffed as i leaned against the wall waiting for him to be done.

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