It's quiet in the hospital...

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3rd Person P.O.V

The next day passed by slowly. The others weren't used to Kirumi not being there. They weren't used to Ryoma not giving advice, or telling them to stop arguing. Angie, Tsumugi, and Himiko made food for the others. The food was a traditional breakfast that Angie at every morning when she was a child. It was quite sweet, but very good and very filling.

Shuichi was still pondering life and it's meaning, but that was usual. Tsumugi was looking at Kokichi every couple seconds, she personally shipped him with Shuichi, Korekiyo, and Angie. She felt they would make good pairs. The only problem is in the brainwashing she didn't have enough time to make any of them in love. She wished the Danganronpa fandom could wait, but they weren't patient, they wanted new games. She had to keep this one interesting, she had to have a new motive. But what should it be?

Rantaro's P.O.V

This hospital is cold. And dark. I woke up and looked around after the metal hit me. A nurse was by my side and she explained it. She said her name was Mikan Tsumiki, and that she had also been in a killing game. She asked me if I wanted to watch the killing hame.

She said we could see everything from the security cameras. I nodded and she turned the TV on, my eyes immediately went to Kokichi. He was panicked. Apparently it had been several hours. I watched him exit the room and walk down the hallway, all the way to the library. He opened the door and called out my name. He called several more times before he approached me. I asked about the body, and Mikan said it was fake. That they immediately put in a realistic one. But, its not a real body.

I watched the trial and I watched Kaede die. I saw everyone breakdown afterwards. Kokichi passed out right after he stopped crying. God, I felt bad. If only I could tell him how much he meant to me. If only I could tell him that this was only temporary.

I'm back! I took a small mental health break! Thank you so so much for reading this book, it means the world to me! I hope that as I continue to write this, you will all stay and enjoy it! Blessed be, My Loves!

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