can't stop a hurricane with my bare hands

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// LMAOO IM BACK >:D !! Had some motivation and wanted to bless y'all with my ✨amazing✨ content.

With people being picked off like flies, my patience was growing small. The only way I could describe a "good day" was not being murdered. So, that's not the most fun thing.
With Kaede dead, I was already pretty lonely.
Me and Kaito became fast friends though, and with that, Maki as well.
I'm thankful.
But, we're still in a killing game.

All I do is solve murders and plan. Plan for what? I have no idea. Maybe a plan to escape, or to wake up from this nightmare. It seems to bad to be true.

So many people are depending on me to solve this. I don't know why! Who decided that I was the hero? Who woke up and said
"Y'know what, Shuichi is already suffering, let's make him our leader! That should go well."

I swear to god, I am this ducking close to killing someone.

Like, can I be treated as a person for once? For freaking once, just let me be a normal 16-year-old!
This is unbelievable.

It's unfair. I'm held to high standards that are bigger than what I can do.
I can't get us out of here alone.

I can't stop a hurricane with my bare hands.

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