After the 2nd Trial

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No-one's P.O.V
another murder was committed this time,Ryoma. The murderer was Kirumi Tojo. After the trial everyone made their way to their rooms. It was a quiet night, nobody made a noise. Except for Gonta snoring, then waking up, and screaming an apology from his room.

Kokichi Ouma was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, he had a bit of trouble sleep the night after. Happened with Amami. It brings tear to his eyes to think about him, but he knows that he's not in this hell hole, so that makes him smile.

Shuichi Saihara was sitting at his desk he couldn't sleep either, whether it be his bright desk lamp that's on, or the fact he just solved a murder case was irrelevant. His shoulders felt heavy and his mouth was dry. But still, he sat there pondering motives and why they are in there. He was pondering what brought them to this and was it because of something wrong they did? He thought the whole night, but never came to a conclusion.

Tsumugi Shirogane, The secret Mastermind of this killing game, was sitting in her lab. Watching the security cameras. They had no idea. They didn't suspect anything !! If they were going to suspect someone, it would be Kokichi or Korekiyo !! Tsumugi was too nice to be a mastermind !! Her plan had been a success, now the fun can begin.

Hello to whoever is reading this !! I'm currently writing another book (a Oneshot book to be exact) I hope you guys will enjoy it and I hope you guys enjoy this part, sorry it's so short :( !!

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