Not her...

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Trigger warnings; possible ED (eating disorder), self hatred, depression, voices.

Kokichi's POV:
It's lunch, I really don't wanna eat... I've already eaten to much, I look like a pig! Why Do I Lo ok like this?!

"Aren't you going to eat?" My beloved Amami asks me , "oh! I'm not that hungry, I drank ALOT of Panta!" I say with a fake smile and giggle. Kirumi excuses me and I get up and leave. I walk to my dorm, that's practically the only place I get any alone time. After getting inside, I immediately walk to my desk and sit down. I've been making a plan, a plan to end the killing game. I know it sounds crazy, because well... I "love" the killing game, truth is... I hate it! I can't tell anyone because they won't believe me, I'm just a liar, nothing but a worthless, stupid, ugly, fucking MISTAKE! I start working on the plan, who will kill me, someone willing too... Miu? No... uhm Saihara? No... Kaede! Everyone will loath her death, and it will all come together! We've got it! The person who will help me end this! She also wants to get out of here! All we have to do is survive! It'll be great! This is perfect! For the first time in forever I actually smiled, maybe life isn't as bad as I thought... but then come the thoughts again... She doesn't care about you! She'll mess it up! She won't do it! This plan will fail! Shit! They are correct she'll mess Up!!

We'll have to find someone else...

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