Confess to him

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TW: Slight DRV3 spoilers, minor character death, hints of ED (eating disorder), head-canons (ima add my head-canons to my book, that was a joke, but there is head-cannon's in this!), OUMAMI

Kokichi's POV
I decided to get some sleep, after debating who should kill me. I'm stuck between Kaito, Maki, and Kaede. Of course everyone would be sad if all of them died, it would cause Saihara-Chan pain... but! It's for him! And everyone else! Even for that pig, Miu. I know they probably won't care for me but...
Maybe they'll understand and appreciate it?... I'm sorry for ranting, I know you probably don't wanna listen to my hideous voice, who would?... Maybe Amami... Saihara? At this point you've probably noticed, I'm in love with both of them, I know subjects switch fast! But I can't get over how cute they both are... they are both just so amazing! Saihara is so adorable when he stutters and how he gets nervous when people compliment him, but he has a little smile on his face. It's adorable! And Amami, how handsome he is when he smiles and how when he gets nervous about something he puts his hands behind his head and kinda chuckles! Everything they do makes me want to melt into the floor and be a puddle for the rest of my life. I know, this sound really out of character for me! Your not used to hearing me be so cheesy, I probably should've specified this! I'm pansexual! I like everyone, if that makes sense! But I specifically like Amami-kun and Saihara-Chan! But enough about me!! Let's move onto someone more intriguing!

Rantaro Amami's POV:
Kokichi was acting weird today, he kept either staring at me or Shuichi. It's obvious he likes him, but Kokichi lies. He could be joking. Maybe he likes me back. I noticed how at lunch he didn't eat anything, he seemed to be murmuring something to himself, I asked him if he was going to eat. He said he wasn't hungry and had drank to much Panta. But I only saw him drink 2 bottles today... weird. He is just confusing, maybe he's in some sort of phase that he'll come out of soon, like Shuichi's 'emo phase' as Kokichi calls it. That would be interesting, but he would look cute in MCR merch... He would also look cute in my bed— Wait! I'm an so sorry that you had to hear that! That was random and totally out of the question... but he would... He really would... I don't think he see's himself the way I see him. I see him as an angel— but literally, he acts like the devil, but he looks like an angel, so angelic and adorable, we hang out quite often! He started calling me his beloved, when he first called me his 'beloved-Amami' I blushed, so much you could mistake me for a tomato. Luckily Kirumi was not making lunch, heh. We had tomato soup for lunch that day, Kokichi acknowledged me blushing a while later, it wa near the end of free time. We where joking about me being cooked by Kirumi, and her throwing a metal ball at my head, to knock me out and kill me. Then everyone would eat me. Well... it was actually more of Kokichi joking about it, it was kinda funny, aside from us being in a killing game. And I highly doubt she would kill anyone of us, if she did she would probably like... drown someone... I'm not sure, but Kokichi is one of my friends! I would like to become more with him, but... I'm to afraid to ask him, I know it's not like me to be afraid! I had 12 sisters, if I was afraid of anything, I would be afraid of them fighting... or starting a screaming choir— but... I felt the need to tell him, like soon it would be too late...

Alright! I'm going to tell him tomorrow! Tonight I will go to the library and find books on how to confess to someone, I'll go around 11 pm, because I don't wanna get caught by anyone and have to explain why I'm there... that would be awkward...

Time skip for your sanity!

It's 11 PM, time to go to the library. But first, I need to tell Kokichi. Things didn't go as planned, Kokichi had a really bad night-mare and came to me. So being myself, I helped him. Time to tell him! " Hey, Ko'?" I say to him "Yes, my beloved?" "I'm going to go to the library, I'll be back, but you need to go back to your dorm." He looked at me confused, he opened his mouth to whine but I put my hand over it "it's the middle of the night, do wake everybody up." He nodded yes, for up and went to the door, before he left I kissed his fore-head, said "good-night" and "I love you" to him and pet his hair and sent him off. I know it was extra but, if I don't survive this library trip, I want him to know. I left my dorm and started my way to the library, when I heard foot steps, I looked around, no-one was there, so I continued walking. I got to the library and was searching for books, when I felt something hit my head, something metal, cold, rock-solid, and ball shaped. I fell to the ground, and then it all went black...

I'm am so sorry if this is not what you hoped for! I tried my hardest for this to be long, but I also made it while packing! And I'm not good at multi-tasking! I hope your fine with this being more oumami sided, I also really like the ship, and thought this book could use more angst! Bye lovelies!

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