The end is near, The end is here.

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- SONG: I hear a symphony by Cody Fry
- CW: Death, angst, etc, etc..
- Kokichi POV

I've been thinking,well , I've been worrying more accurately. What if the plan doesn't work? Of course, It's a 50/50 but, I think it'll work. Hopefully.

I got out of bed today, I took a cold shower. I talked to my Rantaro sculpture a little bit.. I felt kinda sad afterwards. I'm gonna feel sad though, it's my last day alive. That's really bumming me out.

I guess that makes sense though.

As I'm walking through the halls, my mind blank and fuzzy with dread, I feel the strong gaze of someone staring at me. I can barely ignore it, but I push through enough to act as though the heavy stares of shame don't bother me.
Painful, I know.

I need to get this plan to work. To work well, and go perfectly.

[ Time skip! ]

This is all happening too quickly.

My plan has been activated.

Kaito will be dead soon, I know that much. I'll be dead soon, too. So it's better if we just get this done.

I stumble towards Kaito, my legs are shaky and my mind is numb, but I manage to make my way over there.

I start the conversation.
I give him the antidote.
I explain the plan.

He looks sick to his stomach as he listens to me, his face going through a series of emotions.

But, I know he'll go along with it.

He's a hero after-all.
Kaito Momota, king of space, Ultimate astronaut.
He's loved by everyone.
He's cared for my everyone,
With his shining eyes and golden smile.
His carefree and honest personality.
His perfect frame.
He's the most ideal person here.
He's strong, courageous, and loyal.

I wish that was me.

The silence is heavy as he stares at me, a frown across his face.

He sighs, looking down. "So, what do you say?" I mutter, barely audible among the loud machine noises around us.

He offers me a sad, but encouraging smile. "Let's do this."

Time around me seems to pass in slow motion, as if I'm already dead.

The pain has numbed, but the confusion is still there. The surprise is still there.

I'm going to die.

I figured this out early on, but being a step away is terrible.

Then my mind shifts to Saihara.

(This is where the song comes in, lyrics in italics!)

I used to hear a simple song.

I'm never going to see Saihara again.

We approach the hydraulic press, and I can feel the familiar sting of tears.

I'm never going to see Saihara again.

That was until you came along.

I start the camera, filming Kaito. My nerves are hard to ignore, but my thoughts even more so.

I'll never see him again.
I'll never see any of this again.

The world seems so small right now, all those days I spent annoying everyone seem so far.

They're gone, and I will be too, soon.

I've always known I wouldn't survive but this is different.
This is a momentary peace.
The calm before the storm.

The pain will be gone.
There will be no tears or overthinking.
It'll simply be nothing.

I stop the camera and Momota slides out of the hydraulic press.

You took my broken melody.

My body shakes as I put on Kaito's jacket.
The jacket is warm and heavy, a small comfort in wretched game.

We approach the hydraulic press and I slide into it.

I wonder if Kiibo would get crushed by something like this, I mean, he is made of metal.

I look to my left.
I see Kaito.
But, I also see Amami.

Knowing Rantaro is waiting for me on the other side, it makes me feel as though I've been shot.

Has he been waiting all this time?

And now I hear a symphony.

The press is 5 inches from my face.
4 inches away.

And that was Broken. A book about the torturous life of Kokichi Ouma.
I hope you enjoyed.
I love you all.
Thank you.

Edit: Please note that I was very young, very unwell, and very stupid when writing this book; it is a symbol of MY torturous childhood. Thank you. Thank you and goodnight.

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