Panic Room [Tomarry Pt. 2]

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Tom's resemblance to the devil was a factor of attraction despite of the paradox. It was a small psychological fact Harry had came across some time earlier. Though he wondered more about what the devil saw in him, than the devil himself, since the eyes saw so much more than normal people noticed.

"Let's find somewhere cosy, then." Harry caught hold of Tom's arm in a firm grip. "Where we don't have people nosing about." with a drop of emphasis from a wink from Harry, they were gone from the scene within a heartbeat.

They landed on steady feet with grass beneath their feet. Tom's assurance had not served as a soother for Harry's excited heart. There was a itch at the back of his head that had his hand coming back to it without any relief, making Harry wonder whether it was ever going away.

"Let's go." Harry turned a smile at the teen, disregarding the urge to scratch the already sore spot on his scalp.

Grounded before them was a small log cabin in the middle of the field they had recently stepped on, and Harry once more asked Tom the same question,

“Are you sure you want to know everything? Because I've got plans you might not want to be a part of.”

“There's no other option for me.” Tom shifted his hands inside his pockets for a better avail on the situation. Though he wasn't sure how it was going to help him.

Under the pretense of the blank features, Harry saw the lines of confusion and nervousness peeking out from the cracks. It wasn't new, just rare for the man let slip even the faintest traces of his sharp features to crease under a heavy scene.

“You do have an option, still.” he asured his companion, and yet again let his hand slip to the back of his head.

“No, I don't. I've never let myself have one.” the words never conveyed a new knowledge but surprised Harry quite the same. It was the most he had ever revealed to him through words, although, he did not know how to respond to them appropriately; not even what would sound better to the man.

“1980,” he said merely.


“My birth year.” and then he was suddenly walking towards the house without a glance at the dark eyed man that stood bare with his emotions out for a show; those surprised eyes could not have told more stories about himself, but Harry was not there to witness it. He was striding towards his lonely home with an intent to escape things he could not see, neither could name. He was just running and running and wishing that somehow Tom would change his mind and turn away.

But the younger man was right behind him when he opened the door, as though he had magically appeared behind him.

“What's it like?” Harry heard the breathless voice he felt terrified of at the moment.

He turned with a start. “What's what like?” he had surely sounded the same he felt like: confused by his own state of mind.

“The future.”

And again, he turned away from the greedy eyes he saw glaring back at him with stark contrast from the usual darkness. “Dirty,” he stated, and again, “Filthy from from all sorts of human inhibition.”

“Stop the game with your words!” Tom snapped eagerly.

“I am here to play the game!” Harry rounded up to the teen. “And so are you, now. Hence you better play it by the rules, that is, keep your greedy hands off the throne and focus on your targets.”

Tom stalled from all his movements only for a split second before exclaiming, “Oh my god,” he laughed. “You know — ”

“Yes, I know. I know everything; what happens to this world, what happens to us and what happens to you!” Harry jabbed a finger into Tom's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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