Random Facts about Callie

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(This could be used for the whole bringing back her memories thing)

How she met some of the pastas:

She met Toby when she left the house of someone she killed. It turns out Toby was also meant to kill the same person.

She met Jeff one day a week or so after she moved into the mansion. (Only in this book) He was fighting Jane and threw a knife at her, but she dodged and the knife ended up lodged in the wall inches from Callie's head, who just so happened to enter the room while they were fighting (totally not because she enjoys watching fights). She then proceeded to punch Jeff in the jaw, tell him to watch where he throws his knives and walk off.

The rest of them she met after entering the mansion (in this book only) for the first time.

The pastas she gets along with the best:

Sally (She sees Sally as a little sister)

Other random facts:

She has a favourite song, despite nobody expecting her to like that sort of music. The sing is Rainbow Connection. She found it after she overheard Ada singing it.

She has a plushy that she keeps hidden while the others are awake so as they don't find out. Of Sally invites Callie to one of her tea parties, Callie will bring the plushy with her, Sally is the only one who knows she owns the plushy!

(This is all I got for now)

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