Ask/dare 23

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Me: I'm gonna do it!

BEN: It's not gonna work...

Me: Pfft, whatever. If I remember correctly, the spell is written on paper that is in his suit pocket! Or at least that's what it says in the book.

BEN: I never thought you'd be a book nerd.

Me: Well I am. Now then *reaches into the pocket and pulls out the card*  Aha! *read it out loud* Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Korrano! (That's the actual spell in the books, I'm pretty much using this as an excuse to nerd out to be honest)

BEN: Told you it wouldn't work.

Me: I guess you're right

*They turn around to walk out when they hear a voice behind them saying "Hello"*

Me: Nevermind it worked! *turns around* Slappy, hey uh..firstly, I'm a huge fan, I mean you are my favourite of all the goosebumps creatures. *shakes head* But that's not important, you're gonna being joining our little..uh.. team... for a while!

Slappy: *Sarcastic* Wow, I would love to be a team with *pointing at Author* A gothy teen, *pointing at BEN* an elf and *pointing at Sally* A little girl.

Me: Just shut up and listen. We aren't the only ones here. *drags him into the other room* We also have these guys. *gestures to everyone else* You know ghosts, killers, we even have a clown!

Slappy: Now these are my kind of people!

Jane: Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the talking dummy...

Slappy: Who you calling Dummy?!

Me: Anyyyway! We have a little something to do first. *Teleports AWP into the room* Ready?

AWP: Yeah. *grins and walks over to Slappy* 

Slappy: What are you doing?

AWP: *slaps him* Ha. Thanks for letting me do that.

Me: *laughing* No problem! Bye

AWP: See ya!

Me: *teleports her back to where she came from, still laughing*

Ask or dare the creepypastas and my oc's (Re-opened!)Where stories live. Discover now