Me: Well good news is she's looking a lot better. *grins*
Toby: Uh.. might want to look again. She's crying in her sleep..
Me: She is? Dammit!
Medi: I could help
Me: Really? Go on!
Medi: *neutralises Callie* She should calm down a bit for now.
Me: Did you neutralise her? Isn't that permanent?
Medi: Don't worry
Me: *sarcastic* Well that's comforting. Well as for how eveyone feels about it, I'll let them tell you. Toby?
Toby: I mean, I'm worried, but I know she'll pull through. I'm sure of it!
BEN: Well I'm worried, she's my gaming friend after all.
Jane: She's strong, she'll be fine.
Jeff: I couldn't care less.
Sally: I hope she's gonna be fine!
Ada: I just want her to be okay....
LJ: Eh, I'm concerned, but not a lot. I do hope she'll be alright though, I can't believe I'm saying this but with Ada being so miserable about it it's actually kinda boring..
EJ: I am not overly worried as I am 100% certain she will be okay.
Reginald: I am worried, she's so close with my sister and if anything happened to Callie, Ada would be devastated.
Tootsy: *shrugs* I don't really know her enough to be worried.
Kage: I don't really care, she's just another person after all.
Pop: *shrugs* Eh, I care. She's a nice person to talk to so I hope she's alright.