Chapter Seventy

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The Triwizard Cup was cold in her grip as she landed in the Maze, just able to see the entrance as she began to walk towards it. Her scar burned but now it was a dull pain. Her emotions refused to function now, so her face was blank when she reached the entrance and heard the deafening cheers.

Emperor clutched himself to her stomach as her good hand gripped the cup until her knuckles were white. She began to limp slightly, the cuts on her thigh now burning with each step because the fabric tugged at them.

As soon as she stepped through, the music became louder and she saw everyone cheering, regardless of if they were her fans or not. Even the other Champions were clapping for her as she walked.

She stopped and chucked the trophy onto the ground, letting it bounce as everyone continued to celebrate. She just wanted to leave but she couldn't. Taking the bracelet and necklace off of Emperor, she clipped each one back on before sliding her rings back on. Her Potter ring sat on her right middle finger now, the Slytherin family coat of arms was another ring that sat on her left pinky while the Black family ring was tucked onto her left thumb.

"With Rebekah Potter returning with the Triwizard Cup, we have the winner of the Triwizard Tournament of 1994!" Minister Fudge announced. "Now I ask all here to congratulate each Champion…" And then Fudge began to announce each Champion and everyone cheered for each one on their rankings. It was Fleur, Viktor, Cedric, and then Rebekah as the Winner.

The four of them were herded into the main tent again, and their injuries finally acted on. With the nature of the tournament, they had brought in Healers from St Mungo's. Each Champion had at least two Healers working on them. There was a slight problem.

Cedric had phsyical evidence of the torture curse being used on him.

Viktor had a foggy memory of the last bit of the tournament, so one of the Healers more adept at mind healing went in to check. It was concluded that Viktor had been the one to use the torture curse while he was Imperised himself.

Viktor Krum wouldn't be charged because he was Imperised into doing it but an investigation would be set forth.

"Rebekah," Cedric said after the Healers finished with him. "How did you acquire the dislocated shoulder? You didn't have it before you touched the cup."

"You're gonna be glad I took the cup now," Rebekah smiled sheepishly.

"Why's that?"

"The cup was a portkey, and it wasn't linked to Hogwarts," Rebekah hissed in pain when Madam Pomfrey poured a liquid into her thigh, almost making her kick the older Witch. "I landed funny and hurt my shoulder. Nothing too bad."

Rebekah had to take off the sweatshirt which just left her in a simple sports bra which had Potter across the front and back in green. Her trousers were ruined, the right leg needed to be cut up to be able to properly heal the cuts.


Rebekah was devoured in the hug Sirius gave her, clutching her close to his chest as he heaved her smell in. It was one of the ways an Animagus could calm themselves. She wanted to cry, not out of sadness but out of frustrations. She clutched at his tailored robes, pulling him closer as he was one of the last she would want to lose.

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