Chapter One hundred and Nine

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The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was dark and scattered with stars and dishevelled students were lined up in their Houses. Some had thrown on proper clothes, others quickly helped transfigure them into something warmer.

Even the Ghosts of Hogwarts stood there, all eyes, Living and Dead, were fixed upon McGonagall who spoke from the raised platform. They all turned to Rebekah as she stormed into the Great Hall.

"...evacuation will be overseen by Mr Filch and Madame Pomfrey. Prefects, when I give the word, you will organize your House and take your charges in an orderly fashion to the evacuation point."

"No, evacuation is too dangerous," Rebekah called out. "There is not enough time to get everyone out safe. He's here and he's brought his whole army of Death Eaters. It's not safe."

"Where will they go then?"

Rebekah waited until she was near McGonagall, turning to the student body and staff and allies. "The Chamber of Secrets is open. Prefects, bring all students underaged there. Use the passages. Seal yourselves in. Paladin will protect you."

"Who's that?"

"The Basilisk," Rebekah grinned as people gasped. "He won't harm you, he's here for your protection so don't hex him."

"I know you are preparing to fight." students screamed as Voldemort's voice echoed through everyone's heads. "Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect—"

"Shut UP!" Rebekah screamed as loud as she could. "You've been trying to kill me for seven years. Give it a break! Your promises mean nothing when you are willing to use to use fucking teenagers as soldiers."

The whole hall was loud as Rebekah finished. Each House screamed in anger and fear, but the Slytherin House stood back and were silent. They had family out there and Rebekah knew Family was the only thing keeping them pliant.

"What about them?" Some gestured to the Slytherins.

"Right," Rebekag gritted her teeth. "If you do not wish to fight family, guard the Chamber. If you wish to leave, do so because I respect that family is family but there will be no mercy when we come for your ranks. If you wish to fight with us, come on, we've got a battle to win and a society to change."

"Everyone under the age of seventeen—" McGonagall began.

"Annie, your lot stays. Michael, yours too. And the rest of the Upper Court."

"They're underage, Potter," McGonagall turned to her.

"I've trained them. They're better than most adults, Professor." Rebekah's face went blank. "I've got orders for them."

The Houses glanced around as members of their ranks walked towards the front. It wasn't as many as the Court, but there were a good dozen ranging from the Fourth year to Seventh. The younger members knew to stay hidden, retaliation against them could occur by those of opposite standing.

"Where's Emperor?" The older Witch asked.


She gasped, "Who?"

"Greyback." Rebekah didn't react as she said it. She didn't have time to act like a child or an emotional mess. There was a battle to be won.

She needed to find the Diadem but it was lost. However, Voldemort wouldn't have just left it anywhere.

She closed her eyes, demanding the piece of Tom riddle inside her to tell her exactly where it would be.

He was now the twin of Voldemort, standing in her mind with a smirk, "Where all lost things go."

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