Chapter Ninety Six

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Rebekah laughed with despair as soon as she read a letter from Hogwarts, specifically from her Head of House.

Sirius looked up from his newspaper.

"What now?" He asked and Rebekah just shoved the letter at him before placing her head onto the table. "Ha! How's this a bad thing?"

Miss Potter.

With Mr. Montague leaving us last year, it seems like there is no captain for the Slytherin team this year. I appoint you Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team as of the beginning of the school year.

No excuses.

Head of Slytherin,

Professor S Snape.

"Looks like you'll be needing new robes then," Sirius nodded to himself. "We'll go on Friday. I'll inform the Ministry that we plan to go. Even if you know you don't need extra security, the Ministry isn't taking any chances of being blamed."


Remus and Sirius escorted Rebekah to Twilfitt and Tattings with four Aurors following behind. They had been dropped off at Diagon Alley at precisely ten o'clock and were followed by half a dozen Aurors purely because the Minister was paranoid that Rebekah was going to be killed.

She had ignored the newspaper when it called her the Chosen One. She wasn't chosen, she was selected because she was the 'lesser' threat out of her and Neville.

The Aurors tried to escort Rebekah but she did as she always did, her way. Rebekah walked like they weren't there and continued to do so as she brought her books without hesitation. What was the point in acting like everyone was out to get her? Most people just wanted life to go back to normal, not kill her.

Rebekah had four of the six Aurors follow her to Twilfitt and Tatting's along with Sirius as Molly and Arthur took Hermione, Ginny and Ron to Madam Malkin's for their robes. She had requested that two of the six Aurors follow the Weasleys and Hermione because if the Death Eaters would get to them, she would be devastated...

To the smallest degree ever but still devastated nonetheless.

"Hello, Miss Potter," Mrs Malfoy greeted as soon as the elder Witch caught sight of her.

"Hello," Rebekah nodded to her as she walked further into the shop, four Aurors trailing after her. "Is Draco getting his robes fitted at the moment?"



Rebekah had to find her friends before someone tried to yell "Hey, Chosen One!" at her again and get a black eye for their efforts.

She was on the train now, having had to get on last due to the Aurors following her every move so far today. Emperor strutted in front of her, his large form making the other students in the hall move to the side to let her pass as they got to near the end of the train. She had a rucksack on her back, some simple things she got from the Dursleys before coming to the station.

Her friends should be somewhere near—

Pansy poked her head out of the next compartment, snapping at a younger year as they looked for a second too long. She grabbed Rebekah's arm before pulling her inside.

"Thanks," Rebekah said before chucking her rucksack on top of the racks and plumping her ass down next to the window, Blaise right across from her with Daphne to her side. "I've had enough of people for a while. I still have to attend the stupid Prefect meeting, and Snape decided to make me Quidditch Captain because Montague left. I'll attend that later with Draco. Is that alright?"

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