Chapter Thirty Three

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Rebekah knocked on McGonagall's door. A few days after the destruction of the diary, there was a lighting storm over Scotland. Since January, Rebekah had the potion ready and hidden in her room until the storm came. She held the red potion up with a sheepish smile when McGonagall opened her door.

"I am not surprised," She said and sighed. "When are you planning to drink it?"

"Since you advised me to ask you and Snape, I'll let that be up to you both," Rebekah smiled. "But I want it to be before the year ends, if that is alright."

"How about tomorrow after curfew," She suggested. "I'll ask Professor Snape to accompany us because we don't know how you'll react to the sudden change."


"Eat a lot of protein and don't be concerned if you become a creature that is an omnivore or carnivore," McGonagal said. "Your human body and Animagus form are two different things, even with the similarities. I've eaten a mouse in my form but I haven't been peckish for them during dinner."

The next day, Rebekah could hardly focus in lessons.

Snape brought Rebekah to the middle of the Quidditch pitch, McGonagall was already there with Madam Pomfrey. She explained that since McGonagall and Snape would also be in their Animagus forms, if Rebekah reacted badly, it would take precious time to turn back and help her.

Emperor sat by Madam Pomfrey as she summoned a table and chair to sit in. Tercet curled up behind them.

"Are you sure, Miss Potter?"

"I wouldn't be here otherwise, Madam,"

"Minerva and I will transform once we know that you have taken it. We will help you through the process but it is quick," Snape said sternly, making Rebekah hesitate in downing the potion.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus," Rebekah placed the tip of her wand on her heart for the last time. She took the stopper out of the vial and looked into the contents, seeing the blood-red liquid before she brought it to her lips and gulped the mouthful.

A fiery pain poured into her blood as it pulsed through her at tremendous speeds. Her heart began to beat faster, almost like another heart was within her ribcage. With a sudden image in her mind, Rebekah collapsed onto her hands and knees.

"Careful," McGonagall said, not touching her but standing by her side. "Have you seen the image in your mind? Take it and push your will into wanting to be that creature. Don't force it but allow your Magic to transfigure your body. Your body is not permanent but your mind is."

She first imagined two forms, her own and the animal, separate. Forcing the two forms to come closer, they slowly merged. The images were no longer just human and animal, it was one form that changed its appearances from Witch to creature and creature to Witch.

The pain multiplied as fire coursed through her veins as bones clicked out of and then into place. Her skin sprouted hair as she stood up and took a step, quickly falling back on all fours as she acquired paws.

She lifted her hands, paws, whatever they were in this form, and gave them a good inspection. Five black finger pads with a single larger one for the palm, each finger pad had a single large claw sprouting from the tip.

Her neck became stiff and she wanted to click it but couldn't. Her point of view was closer to the floor than ever before, only standing a couple of feet high. She could see a snout sprout from where her nose and mouth used to be, a little black nose at the tip. She drew her tongue out to lick it and found it much longer and very pink.

Her neck ached and she shook her head, feeling the fur completely develop and her limbs became relaxed. She bent her front to the floor as her back legs kept her weight, giving her neck and back a good stretch, then did the same for her back legs.

Rebekah stepped forward with her new limbs, quickly finding it natural to walk on all fours. She sprinted across the pitch and came back, tumbling over her paws and landing on her back with her tail in her face. She sneezed as it flicked away with a muscle movement. She flicked it back and caught it within her paws. It was long and had a dark tuft of hair at the very end, she placed the tail in her mouth and gently bit down and found it very painful with her new and very long teeth.

She jumped up and whined, swishing the tail to relieve the pain. She tried her best to sit down but she felt like a dog. Laying was worse, Rebekah laid on her stomach and then rolled completely over and onto her back and back onto her stomach. Her part of her upper left foreleg had her scar, she bet it ran from her neck down but instead of the lightning shape, it was straight from the position of the new limbs.

Emperor sat and placed a paw on her head, grinning. She swatted the larger paw away but caught it and began to chew on it. She knew where everyone was. Pomfrey still sat in her chair but she was very aware, McGonagall had shifted, Snape still loomed by the side, and Tercet watched her.

McGonagall meowed in her Animagus form, Rebekah's mind translated it as a request of a negative nature. Somehow she understood that she was asking if Rebekah could turn back.

Rebekah imaged her Animagus form and watched it turn from an animal to a human, and her physical form did the same.

She brought her hands to her face, watching them as she flexed her fingers. "That was wicked!" She said, looking back up. "I'm drunk on adrenaline now."

"Would you like to run the forest then?" Snape said, nodding his head. "Usually is it off-limits to students—" Rebekah smiled sheepishly and half rolled her eyes as Snape gave her a pointed look. If she still had her tail, it would be swaying in anticipation and amusement "—But you need to get rid of your energy, you won't be able to sleep otherwise. Madam Pomfrey has been informed of your decision to not be registered. If the last two years have said anything, something will happen again and you could use this ability."

"Can we?" Rebekah nodded her head and clasped her hands behind her back. "Can we run? I just want to explore the new form!"

"You will grow into it," McGonagall stated after she shifted back. "You are still not fully grown for the animal, but you are not far from being an adult. I presume Professor Dumbledore needs to know?"

Rebekah nodded her head with energy as her hands twitched. Snape escorted the trembling young Witch out of the pitch and stopped a dozen metres away from the sides of the forest.

"Stay within my sight, or know where I am," Snape began to run but it was more like a glide as he barely came off of the ground before he was on it again.

His black robes were replaced by a bird, a vulture with a mustard yellow face and beak tipped with black, black beady eyes that matched his human form, and an array of black feathers under and at the tips of his wings while the rest was pure white. A mane of slightly grey feathers sprouted around his neck. His left-wing was a shade or two darker than his right.

Rebekah began to sprint towards the forest, barely making it past the edge before she shifted and landed on her paws before bouncing off them again. She buried under roots and leapt over foliage as Snape flew between branches. With each paw touching the dirt, waves of peace and rightfulness came over her.

Running was natural.

it felt good.

It felt right.

She still found it amusing, a lioness in the pit of snakes.

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