Seven Years Later

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Seven  And A Bit Years Later


On the night of Hallow's eve, seven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Crown broke into the Rowle Family house. It was a small manor of a dark nature. Euphemia Rowle was forced onto her knees as the group congregated in the spacious living room.

All the Crown wore black, military-style coats with heavy collars and shiny silver accents. They looked fierce in dark trousers and shirts. Even with the semi-formal attire of suits for the men, they looked like they could make anyone unsettled.

The Crown sigils were exposed, the new marks appearing on the back of their necks, of the Death Hallows connecting them.

Rebekah had her hair pulled back into a low french twist. Her hair was once again black and red, but the streak of white hair from her left temple stayed. It was a wonderful contrast to her green eyes which grinned with malice as she sat with her booted feet on the table.

She still didn't like to wear trousers, preferring to wear the Dragonhide shorts that showed off her legs and tattoos.

"Theo, we good?" Rebekah asked, tapping a finger against her chin lightly.

"We're good," Theo strode back into the living room. "You would be embarrassed with these wards. So easy to dismantle."

"Brilliant," Draco mumbled as Theo went to stand by him, wands in hand. "Good job."

Rowle struggled in her bonds, her arms were stuck to her sides and her knees were stuck together. Her mouth was silently shut and was in a deep scowl when she realised she couldn't talk.

"Speak," Rebekah waved a hand, disabling the spell.

"What do you want? You've invaded my house without good reason and taken me hostage,"

"Honey, you're not a hostage. Hostage means that you're important for us not to be caught," Pansy pouted mockingly before rolling her eyes. "Do you even know who we are?"

"No. Should I?"

"You will," Rebekah looked at her long nails like there was nothing more interesting than the shiny red matching her hair. "Where's the girl?"

"Who? I don't know what you're talking about," Rebekah looked into Rowle's eyes to check for lies. There was a presence in her mind as Rowle tried to read Rebekah's mind.

Rebekah snorted a laugh, going back to leaning in the high-back chair with a foot on the table again. "She just tried to use Legimiense. Merlin and Morgana, that's funny. Really. It is. Let's try this again."

She went into Rowle's mind with surprising ease, those last few months of lessons with Snape had paid off as Rebekah got the location of the child.

"We'll bring her to Azkaban soon enough," Rebekah rose from the chair, her knee-high boots clicking against the wooden floor. The way got colder as Rebekah walked closer to the back room. There was a single bed and a girl.

"Who're you?"

When she caught sight of the curious child, Rebekah softened. "I'm Rebekah."

"You're the one who killed my father," she accused. She had her youthful father's nose and ears while having her mother's unruly hair and bright eyes.

"I killed your dad because he was a bad, bad man. But I'm here to take you away from this place."

"I don't like Mrs Rowle, she's mean," The girl scrunched her nose up, putting a flimsy pair of shoes on before walking to the door in her sleeping gown.

"Don't worry, you won't ever see her again," Rebekah shook her jacket off, putting the jacket onto the girl's shoulders and allowing it to swallow her whole.

The girl wrapped a hand around Rebekah's offered one, pulling it closer to her face because she was entranced by the long and shiny nails at the tips. She pointed to the side.

There was a cage to the side, and what looked like an underfed vulture sat inside. The bird kept its eye on the child as Rebekah removed her from the cradle.

Rebekah knew when a Familiar bond was made. She couldn't keep a Familiar away from its master, she uncaged the bird before allowing it to sit on her shoulder.

"Have you got her?" Blaise's voice said through the Sigils. Rebekah had made sure that the Sigils would allow them to communicate even at great distances.

"Yeah," Rebekah smiled as the girl scolded lightly, already copying her mannerisms. "Coming to the drive now."

"We've got the artefacts," Draco stated. "Pansy, have you contacted the Aurors yet?"

"They're on their way now," Pansy could be heard gasping as she looked at a wall. "Why would anyone paint a wall that colour? Disgusting."

The group, short two members, snorted as everyone made their way to the outside of the house.

The tattoos on both thighs glowed in the light. Elder wand and the Wand of the Defeator, as the media began to call her original wand, were now permanently tattooed onto her legs by Magic.

All the members had their wands tattooed onto their persons. Pansy was fancy and so had hers on under her breast and along the rib cage. Daphne's was on her right thigh. The men had theirs on their wrists for simplicity's sake.

They began to walk down the drive to the actual road. They had left Rowle bound in her living room for the Aurors to find.

Rebekah picked up the girl as soon as she started yawning, letting her begin to nap on her shoulder.

"You're safe now," She said softly. "You'll have the best upbringing. No one will try and take you away. If they try, well, you've got Aunties and Uncles who will have your back no matter what."

Logan slung an arm around Theo as he leaned in. Daphne shrugged Blaise's arm when he tried it, making him pout. She glared at Blaise who just stuck his tongue out, which made her start chasing him down the drive while everyone laughed. Pansy and Draco walked together, knowing they haven't found their partners yet but they had each other platonically.

"If they don't all kill each other first," Rebekah rolled her eyes. "No one will ever fucking dare—"

"Don't start teaching her swears, Rebekah," Pansy scolded. "Wait for her eighth birthday."

"She's already eight, Pansy," Logan nudged her shoulder with his.

Daphne drew back to walk with Rebekah, giving the girl a smile. "No one will ever dare harm you, dear."

"Who wants to mess with the kid of the Mistress of Death?" Draco snorted. "She's got the Crown as guardians."

"Damn right," Rebekah rolled her eyes as Fidele slithered to ring around Rebekah's shoulder before he gave the child a small boop on the cheek. The girl smiled and giggled beautifully, warming Rebekah's heart.

"You'll be fine, Delphini."

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