Chapter Eighty Four

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Rebekah refused to go to bed, lounging in her Animagus form with Enyo between her paws and a snoring Emperor on her back. She laid in the main living room with a yawning Moody and Aunt Petunia reading a Magical cookbook for entertainment as they all waited for Tonks to get back with Vernon Dursley.

The rest of the house had already gone to bed a couple of hours ago. Those three were still awake and sat before the fireplace to keep warm. Moody and Petunia had tried to get Rebekah to go to sleep. Her friends were already upstairs and all fast asleep but Rebekah couldn't sleep when she knew part of her family was unaccounted for.

She had already sent a letter to Dudley and made sure he was fine. He replied not long after and she was sure he was fine.

Now they just waited for Tonks to arrive with Vernon before Rebekah would go to bed.

They all perked up when they heard a crash in the hallway.

Rebekah stood from the floor, Emperor somehow staying on her back as Enyo clung to her neck. The two adults also stood, Moody just shaking his head as he already knew that they were back by the several missteps made by the clumsy Witch.

"In here, Nymphadora," Moody called, snickering as the Witch came in with bright red hair and a glare.

"Don't call me Nymphadora," Tonks said before her hair went back to the purple she prefered. "I've got Dursley with me."

Rebekah gave Emperor a quick glance, letting the Familiar know what to do before he jumped off of her and went to drag Vernon into the room.

The Potter With just walked up to him, circling him a couple times before getting a pat on the head. She left to go upstairs after she made sure that he was also alright.


Most of the house was hiding away from the kitchen. They steered clear because of the two arguing women while their husbands just sat at the table and talked about Muggle things.

Surprisingly, Arthur Weasley and Vernon Dursley got on quite well.

It was not the same case for their wives.

Arthur Weasley was released a couple days after Christmas. He still needed cleaned bandages every single day, but he was well enough to be released into the care of his family.

"They're arguing," Tonks said, trying to keep herself from falling asleep at noon in the living room. "Again."

"You get used to it," Ginny said, sitting on the floor with Pig next to her and a book in hand.

Pansy narrowed her eyes at Fidele wrapped around Rebekah's throat and had his head on top of hers. "He's looking at me."

Rebekah turned the page of her book, reading on about an obscure law that allowed Healers to use the Killing Curse. "You keep staring at him."

"He's looking at me funny." She retorted.

"And you keep glaring at him."

Pansy wrinkled her nose. "I don't like animals."

"We know." The Crown echoed and Pansy scoffed but smiled nonetheless.

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