Chapter Thirty

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No one was allowed to leave the common rooms for the rest of the day. When the group went to eat lunch in the extended common room, Rebekah grabbed Blaise and pulled him into her room. The group gave them a suspicious look but waved it off when they said that Sprout gave them an extra essay to do especially for them.

"Look, Blaise, I trust you with this information I'm about to tell you," Rebekah said and gained a serious tone as his eyes also hardened. "Can I trust you?"

"Of course, Rebekah. What kind of friend would I be if you couldn't?" He scoffed and waved for her to tell him.

"Do you know who Tom Riddle is?"

"Not a clue,"

"He's Voldemort when he attended Hogwarts in the forties. He had this, this diary type of thing. I found it a few months ago when the girls' bathroom where Myrtle is was flooded. Remember when you spilt ink on my bag?"

"Yeah, everyone won't let that down," He said.

"Well, the book was on top of everything, you would think it would have been covered in the ink but it wasn't," Rebekah sat next to him, her eyes flickering as she explained. "The book absorbed the ink. I wrote in it that night and it replied. Blaise, the book replied. I wrote my name and it wrote back, saying that it was Tom Riddle. Eventually, we got onto the topic of the Chamber and it explained that it had been opened in his time. I asked what happened and it showed me...."

Rebekah began to explain everything she saw within the diary. Blaise sat there, taking it all in. She said that she needed to see Hagrid and listen to his part of the story and Blaise butted in, saying he wouldn't allow her to leave alone. Both of them got under the Invisibility Cloak and made the trek to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid opened the door with a crossbow in hand and with Fang, the boarhound barking. They had taken the Cloak off of their head right before they knocked.

"Oh, Rebekah and, er..."

"Blaise Zabini," Blaise offered his name. The two had never met before properly.

"Right," Hagrid said sharply and lowered the weapon. "What're you two doin' here?"

"What's that for?" Rebekah asked, glancing down at the crossbow.

"Nothin', nothin'," Hagrid muttered. "I've bin expecting... That doesn't matter. Sit down, I'll make tea fer yeh two."

The two Slytherins gave each other a worried look. Hagrid wasn't in his right mind. His hands twitched nervously and he spilled water into the fire by accident. His own eyebrows were furrowed deeply and he kept mumbling to himself, though they couldn't make out what was being said.

"How are you doing?" Rebekah tried to soften the tense atmosphere and failed. "Have you heard about Hermione and Daphne?"

"Yeah, I heard," His lip twitched as he glanced at the windows.

They both had large mugs of boiled water because Hagrid was too nervous to notice that he forgot to add the tea bags.

He poured them both large mugs of boiling water (he had forgotten to add tea bags) and was just putting a slab of fruitcake on a plate when there was a loud knock on the door. The knock at the door made Hagrid drop the fruitcake and the students throw the Cloak over them.

"Good evening, Hagrid." Dumbledore entered without the glint in his eyes.

Blaise whispered to Rebekah at her confused expression, "Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic."

The Minister of Magic had a strange sense of style with a pinstriped suit and a scarlet tie, with pointed purple boots and lime-green bowler.

Hagrid was extremely nervous, wringing his hands as he sat in a chair.

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