Sweet Annie

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My sweater hangs off my thin frame and reaches well past my hips, covering up the pockets of my dark wash jeans. Adjusting the wide collar of the sweater on my shoulders, I slip into my trusty spiked boots, which have survived nearly thirteen years of wear and tear, and zip them up. In a fluid motion I straighten back up and grab my car keys from off the kitchen table. As I'm moving around, I think about Victor and how he did come visit me yesterday, just like he told me he would. We sat and talked for about three hours about nothing and everything. When we were done, he left to go to his mother's house and surprise her for the holiday season. I wished him luck and safety and gave him a hug, and then he kissed me full on the mouth. There was no hesitation, so it made me wonder if he had planned it or if he'd completely thrown caution to the wind. He didn't pull away immediately, either. His eyes widened during the kiss, but he didn't move back. It was a perfectly blush-worthy moment, and I would definitely consider him as the perfect man for me, if it weren't for the Doctor.

Do I really mean that? The space alien is the ideal guy for me?

I need to stop thinking about that, or I'll freak myself out. My mission at the moment is to go get something to cook for Christmas dinner tomorrow. I stop short at the back door as a sudden thought occurs to me. I dig in my purse for a pen, open one of the kitchen drawers to retrieve a small notepad, and clumsily scribble on it,


Went to the store. If you're reading this, please wait till I get back to do anything. Don't leave please, and try not to burn down my house haha :)

Love, Annie

I cross out my nickname as soon as I write it (habitually) and write Annalise beside it. I don't know exactly when he's going to get back today, but I know he'll be back. (My faith in him may be a little misplaced, but I've got to trust that he'll honor this promise because if I haven't learned better by now, I never will). Just in case he happens to return while I'm still running errands, I'm going to leave this here in plain sight, right on the darkly-wooded countertop. He's sure to see it, and if not, I'll try yet again to convince him to get new glasses.

My breath catches. Did I say again? I didn't even know the Doctor wore glasses at all. Other than the man in my paintings, I haven't seen him in them. How did I know he needed new ones? And why does it feel like I've attempted coercing him to do it more than once?

I shiver. Thoughts that aren't mine are going through my head, and it's terrifying to think about. I'll bring it up to the Doctor when he gets back; he's sure to know what's going on. Recovering myself, I step out of the house, get in my car, and start down the road toward the interstate. Unfortunately, the stores here in town are going to be loaded with people because it's Christmas Eve. Last-minute shoppers. I am going to a little grocer about thirty minutes away from my house, in the next county over. I flip on the radio and hear a man's voice announcing a new song. His accent is very heavily Southern. I decide to keep it on this station for a second just because of that reason. His voice is funny.

As soon as the actual country music begins, I'll switch stations. I can't stand that stuff.

"Yeah, we've got here the talented Zac Brown from the Zac Brown Band. We're about to hear the special premier of his new song, on this nice December day before Jesus Christ was born. But first, he said he needed to give a certain person credit. Go ahead, man."

"Thanks, Mitch," another voice says, deep and manly and just as Southern. This one must belong to Zac Brown or whoever. "Well, about six months ago, I was in a really bad spot. I couldn't come up with any ideas for music. But one day this British dude came busting into my hotel room, tellin' me that he had the perfect song idea. He didn't tell me his name, but I listened to his pitch and I loved it. At first I had thought he was just some weird fan, but really he was just a guy who was sent by the Lord to help me out. He didn't want credit, but he told me to do one thing and one thing only: dedicate it to someone. And that's what I'm gonna do. So, if you're out there listening, darlin', this song is for you alone, based entirely on you. To miss Annalise Song."

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