The Message

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(author's note: unknown POV)

Once, there was a planet much like any other. It came into existence, lived as all the others did, and found its means of survival, such is the way of any species. Still, even the most mundane in existence are capable of tremendous things. This particular planet sent the entire universe a message. The sound originally went unheard for many eons. Centuries upon centuries passed, and the message was still yet to be discovered, echoing on and on behind the quiet. Its vibrations in the vast emptiness of space remained almost entirely unnoticed until one day, one moment. It was finally heard, finally recognized for what it was: a bell tolling among the stars, ringing out to all the dark corners of creation.

And everybody came to see.

Hear it now, the three-toned sound vibrating in your head, in your lungs, in all of you. It never ceased, and it continuously shouted its shrill, short statement throughout the galaxies. The mystery of it heated the lightyears between stars with a force strong as a sun. It was infectious, filling up the spaces between molecules and the silences between people. It was inside every mind, within every concealed room, behind every closed door. It was a secret unbeknownst to many, if any at all. It was a question without an answer, a conundrum forever unsolvable, a puzzle missing all its middle pieces. This was a message in a language eternally indecipherable—or at least, that was as it seemed.

Although no one understood the message, everyone who heard it found themselves not intrigued or fascinated but afraid. To the depths of their cores, in the furthest reaches of their mortality, in a way as absolute and daunting as the span of time between their births and their impending deaths, everyone feared its meaning. Except for one man: the man who stayed for Christmas.

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