Chinny, Sandshoes, and Granddad

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A knight roughly shoves the Warrior in through the dilapidated wooden door, growling, "Come on, you lot—get in there!" The Warrior makes a sound something like "Ow;" the warder slams the door behind him as he leaves. Immediately the Eleventh Doctor kicks at the dirty stone floor of the cell and bends down to pick up a piece of metal. It looks like an old nail that no one ever noticed. Chuckling to himself victoriously, he turns to the stone pillar standing in the middle of the room and begins scratching on it with the object. "The three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon," he says.

"What are you even doing?" the Tenth asks him.

Simply the Eleventh responds, "Getting us out."

There is a high-pitched whirring coming from behind them, and the Tenth turns around. He sees the Warrior attempting to sonic the old wooden door.

"The sonic won't work on that," he tells the old man. "It's too primitive."

The Eleventh quips sarcastically, "Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape?"

"Okay," the Tenth interrupts him, looking annoyed, "so the Queen of England is now a Zygon, but never mind that. Why are we all here? Why are we all together? Well, me and Chinny, we were surprised, but you came looking for us. You knew it would happen. Who told you?"

This question is directed at the Warrior, who looks at both men, conflicted. Casually he glances around the room to buy extra time before answering, and his eyes fall on a young woman leaning against the pillar on which the Eleventh had just been carving. Her bright blue eyes twinkle in the low light. She holds a slim finger up to her lips. He blinks, and the Moment is gone.

"Oi!" says the Eleventh suddenly, facing the Tenth. "Chinny?"

"Yeah, you do have a... chin."

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