Fate and Luck

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"Doctor, help him," Annalise says the moment Hunter's eyes close, not looking up from his body. The Doctor wracks his brain for a way to tell her that there is no helping him at this point. His eyes flit around in search of other threats, and he sees them. Wispy white arms begin to trail out of the crack in the wall. Strings of light reach down for Hunter's feet.

Everything he knows about the crack floods his mind at one time, and he realizes what is about to happen with an unpleasant jolt. "Annalise, move away from the light. If it touches you, you'll be wiped from history," he says. The moment the sentence leaves his mouth, he knows it to be true, which is all the more terrifying. His fingertips brush her shoulder as he stands, but she does not stir. "Annalise, move away now!" he tells her again.

She looks up at him with pained eyes. "No," she replies brokenly. "I am not leaving him. We have to help."

"The light's already around him," says the Doctor, gesticulating at the misty white that has begun swirling about Hunter's deathly-still legs. They travel up to his torso more quickly than the Doctor would find comforting. "We can't help him now. I'm—I'm sorry."

"I can't just leave him here!" she cries shrilly.

"We have to," he implores her, grasping her upper arm more firmly than usual. She struggles against his grip, but he manages at last to pull her up and away from Hunter's body. He whispers apologies over and over in her ear.

"No! Get off!" Annalise screams. "I can't let myself forget about him!"

As a last resort, he picks her up and slings her over his shoulder. She thrashes around, but his hold is strong. The Doctor staggers into the TARDIS, sets her down, and whips around to sonic the door shut behind them. Annalise springs forward and beats her fists on it, causing Ambrose and her family to jump, startled.

"No! Let me out! Please let me out! I have to get to him!" She turns to the Doctor, who is now at the console, with a scalding look in her eye. "That light," she begins shakily. "You said if his body's absorbed, he'll be erased. I'll forget him. He'll never have existed. Right?" He nods once. "You can't let that happen. Wha-what are you doing?" she adds as he glances up at her, compunctious. He pushes on a lever, and the box gives a mighty lurch. "Doctor, no," she gasps. "NO!"

Outside the blue box as it dematerializes into the air, Hunter's young body is enveloped by the light. Within the moment, he disappears from the Earth.

"Doctor, we cannot just leave him there," Annalise shrieks at him.

He takes her in his arms and pulls her to the floor so she can sit. He peers into her eyes as steadily as possible. "Keep him in your mind," he tells her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't forget him. If you forget him, you'll lose him forever. It's different than other things you've forgotten then gotten back. This is your own history changing now."

"Don't tell me it's gonna be okay," she asserts, but he sees the tears hiding behind her brilliant blues. "You have to make it okay."

He sighs, lovingly pressing his forehead to hers with his hand on the back of her neck. "It's going to be hard," he replies, words spilling out like a flash flood, "but you can do it, Annalise, eh? Come on, tell me about Hunter: fantastic Hunter, funny Hunter, witty Hunter. Hey, listen to me," he adds as her eyes drift out of focus. "Do exactly as I say." A tear slides down her cheek slowly, and he kisses her forehead. "Annalise, please. Keep concentrating. You can do this."

"I can't," she whispers.

"You can. I can't help you unless you try. I think I can still save his memory, but you mustn't let anything distract you. Keep remembering Hunter because he is only alive in your memory. You have to keep hold of him."

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