The Trap

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I quietly call the First's name as he turns to go inside the TARDIS. He jumps and glances at me with wide, fearful eyes. "Y-yes, what is it?" he demands roughly, attempting to mask his nerves. I look between him and the TARDIS in which Susan waits for him, and something nests itself uncomfortably in my chest. Suddenly I realize I can no longer remember my initial meeting with the very first Doctor; whatever we discussed and however I saved him has been wiped from my memory. All that exists is this encounter right now and the nagging feeling that something is going to go wrong.

"Sorry, I know it's not my place," I say carefully, "but you're about to make a very big mistake."

He only blinks at me in response. I watch his worry lines deepen in a way that should not be familiar, and a flurry of recognition passes through me. Out of instinct, I attempt to reach out to the TARDIS on the far left, asking her if anything is out of the ordinary. Within the moment, I feel a presence press against my mind, but it is not the same female spirit I normally associate with the machine. This one is much more masculine. Still, he feels weak and afraid as he whispers, It's a trap.

Hiding my shock with an air of nonchalance, I lean against the TARDIS on the far right of the lineup, which is directly next to me. "Don't steal that one. Steal this one," I suggest to the Doctor, inclining my head toward the machine. "System's knackered, but you'll have much more fun."

"What's wrong with this one?"

I lick my lips, then drop my voice. "He's faulty," I breathe. "There's something in him that'll hurt you both. Take my advice, Doctor, please."

Though his eyes are intrigued, his gaze is scrutinizing. "How could you possibly know this one is a 'he?'" The First pauses; he stares at me just as I used to stare at him, like I am a puzzle that he's adamant on solving. "Who are you?"

Hesitation consumes me for a brief moment before I say, "My name's not really all that important."

Immediately he replies, "Yes, it is—very important. If you're saving my life, I'd like to know your name."

Something curious, bright, and somewhat mischievous shines beneath blue eyes that are so very like my husband's, and a half-smile forms on my lips. "Annie," I answer. "Well, you've always leaned more towards 'Annalise,' and oddly enough I've grown to prefer it."

"I've never met you before," he says, confused. "How can I have had a proclivity for one name over another if I don't know you?"

I cringe at my slip-up, but again, I have an inkling that what he's asking me is deeper than his actual question. I meet his gaze steadily as I respond, "You will know me one day soon. Really, you won't have much choice to. I'll be around for quite a while, just like you will. But that's not the point. The point is you must take this TARDIS—who is a 'she,' by the way—and get Susan and yourself to safety. Don't go inside him, though"—I nod at the time machine in which Susan still waits—"because if you do, the whole thing will go up in flames."

The First Doctor seems conflicted, but I can see he knows I'm right, or at least doesn't want to risk me being wrong. He turns to call to the young girl, then he stops short. With a last weighty look at me, he says, "I hope you won't make a habit of coming to my rescue."

I reply with nothing but a beaming smile because the underlying I can't wait to see you again behind his words is clear as day. Turning on heel, I stride quickly around the corner and out of view of the two Timelords, and my husband enters my view. He gives me my glasses with trembling fingers. I slip them onto my nose just as he plants a kiss on my lips. "What was that for?" I ask breathily when he pulls back.

"For being annoyingly, unfailingly right."

"Never underestimate my knowledge of you, love," I remind him playfully.

Just as a nearby TARDIS begins to groan and screech, a flashing red light floods the corridor. I glance up, but there are no bulbs from which it emanates. The Doctor looks just as befuddled as I feel when I meet his gaze.

Off in the distance, another sound slices through the quiet and causes both of us to stiffen to boards.


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