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Louis snuggled into Harry's side, still feeling sleepy.

Well, he had just woken up, after all.

He stared up at the man he was holding, admiring the beautiful cheekbones and the soft stubble on his face.

The way his chest rose and fell with each breath, and the softness of his shaven chest.

Louis traced the outline of the swallows on Harry's chest with his finger, smiling softly when he saw Harry shiver at the soft, gentle caress of the small boys finger tips.

Then, Harry began to stir, laying on his side and bringing Louis' small body to his, holding him close by the waist.

"Good morning, sunshine," Harry croaked.

And holy fuck, Louis was already so addicted to the man's deep, raspy morning voice.

He smiled, and blushed, at the nickname, "Good morning Hazzy, did you sleep well?"

"I did," Harry grinned into Louis' fringe, kissing the top of his head three times, "I slept better than I have in a long time."

Louis cuddled his face into Harry's neck, the warmness and the scent filling his nose and making him feel at home.

"I honestly slept better than I have in years," he said honestly.

Harry nustled his nose in Louis' hair, and the small boy could feel the man's grin, "I'm glad you slept well."

They layed there for a little longer, until Harry's manager called and told him that he needed to get his ass to the airport immediately, so that he could have time to do soundcheck and all that before the show.

So the two boys hurried around the hotel room, Louis helping Harry pack.

Once they had packed, Harry took a quick shower while Louis got dressed.

Eventually, they both left the hotel in Louis' car, through the back entrance so they wouldn't be seen.

Louis was pouting as he drove Harry to the airport, not thinking that Harry would see it.

"What's wrong, baby cakes?" Harry asked cutely.

Louis blushed, grinning at the other man.

"I'm gonna miss you, Haz," he frowned.

Harry pouted, reaching across the console so he could  place a comforting hand on Louis' knee, causing the boy to suck in a breath.

"I'll come and visit you as soon as tour is over," Harry promised.

"But Hazzy," Louis whined, "your tour is only just starting! It'll be, like, twelve years before I can see you again!"

Harry laughed, ruffling the boy's soft hair, "I'll try to see you earlier, alright? I'll do what I can."

Louis nodded, trying his best to pay attention to the road.

They reached the airport, and Harry unbuckled.

Louis looked at him, about to speak, when Harry leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

The kiss was fierce and passionate, both of them not wanting to let go first.

Their lips moved in sync, Louis' tongue exploring Harry's mouth.

When the need for air became too much, they pulled away, resting their foreheads together, "Call me when you land, okay?" Louis whispered.

Harry nodded, pecking Louis on the lips, "I promise."

Louis hugged him tight, "I'll see you when I see you?"

Harry nodded into the crook of Louis' neck, breathing in the intoxicating scent of the boy in his arms, "Yeah, I'll see you then."

Harry let go, already making Louis feel so lonely.

He grabbed Harry's face carefully, locking their lips together in a sweet kiss, before they were saying goodbye for the last time.

"I'm gonna miss you," Harry whispered.

"I'll miss you, too," Louis said.

When Harry had left, Louis pulled out of the airport sadly, feeling lonely.

He got to the hotel him and Niall shared, the Irish man yelling at Louis for not telling him he'd be gone that night.

"Sorry, Ni Ni, I got carried away," Louis said, slumping into his friend on the hotel bed.

"You alright, Lou?" Niall asked, carding his fingers through Louis' hair.

"No," Louis grumbled.

"What's up?" Niall giggled.

Louis glared up at the man, "Quit laughing. I'm sad because Harry left."

Niall pouted, but Louis saw the smile he was trying, and failing, to mask, "I'm sorry, Lou. When will you guys see each other again?"

Louis shrugged, and then snuggled under the covers next to Niall, falling asleep to the gentle caress from Niall's fingers playing at Louis' hair.

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