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Louis had just put his suit case in his car, and he was a nervous reck.

Niall walked up behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders and massaging them, "Are you ready to meet your husband, Lou?"

Louis laughed, "Piss off, Leprechaun. Of course I'm ready."

Though, his voice was slightly shaky.

He was not fucking ready, to meet Harry Styles, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the meaning to his breathing, his life line, the light that shines bright, toaster oven- anyway, he was not ready to meet Harry.

What if in person, Harry realized Louis want as amazing as he had anticipated?

What if he let Harry down with his measly looks and personality?

"Shut up, Lou, he'll probably cream his pants as soon as he sees you," said Niall, breaking Louis out of his thoughts.

Louis choked, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Niall laughed, "Sorry, mate, I could just hear your thoughts running around."

"Just fuck off and get in the car, Ni Ni."

"I love you too, Lou Lou."

"Don't call me that," Louis huffed.

Niall snorted, "Sorry, I forgot your Hazzy is the only one who can call you that."

"Don't call him that."

"Sorry, I forgot you're the only one who can call him that."

Louis tried, and failed, to hide his grin, "You really think you're funny."

Niall shook his head furiously, "I don't think I'm funny, I think I'm fucking hilarious."

Louis laughed loudly, before shoving Niall away and walking to the driver side of the car.

Time for their journey to meet Harry.


"Just pull over really quik, Lou, I have to take a shit!" Niall yelled.

They had only been driving for half an hour, with one hour left of their drive, and Louis was already fuming in anger.

Right now, he wanted to kill Niall Horan.

"Fine! But just know that, if there is food in this place, I am shoving it into your urethra when you get back," Louis barked, pulling into a gas station's parking lot.

Niall visibly winced, "No thanks."

As soon as Louis parked their car, Niall was running out of it like a maniac.

Passerbyers would've thought Louis had kindnapped the man.

Louis was just thankful the Irish lad hadn't held his ass cheeks together as he ran, like he had a few years ago when they were in a similar scenario.

Louis wheezed at the memory, as he stepped out of the car, locking it and pocketing his keys.

Walking into the gas station, he immediately saw skittles and other candies.

He saw a bag of mini Twix bars when he went over to get him and Niall a small bag of skittles, so he picked it up.

Harry's favorite candy is the Twix bar.

Then, after he grabbed two water bottles, Louis headed to the register, and payed for the snacks.

Once he had payed, he went back to the car and blasted Harry's songs, obviously, while he waited for Niall to get his ass back to the car.

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