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(A/N: I'm so sorry I've been neglecting you 😔 I haven't been motivated to update and I also started spontaneously writing a new short Larry fic called MONEY which will be published soon)

"...and recent inside sources, has said that Eleanor Calder and Devin Gonzalez, who both have been harrassing Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, have been arrested at the early hours of this morning, after pleading guilty in court.

"We are not sure if Louis and Harry were there, or if it was just Harry's lovely management team, but Calder is supposed to be serving seven years in federal prison, while Gonzalez spends nine years behind bars..."

Louis was doing a happy dance around the hotel room, and Harry was sitting in front of the TV, grinning wide at what the reporter was saying.

"I can't believe they're gone!" Louis shouted loudly, jumping on to Harry's back and wrapping his arms around his neck, placing his chin on his head. "We don't need to worry about them anymore!"

"It's wonderful, baby, isn't it?" Harry asked, grabbing Louis' hands in his, placing kisses on both of them repeatedly.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

Harry turned off the tv, and Louis walked over to the door.

He looked through the peep hole, turning to Harry, whispering, "It's your manager."

"Let him in," Harry sighed, getting up from his spot.

Louis unlocked the door, opening it and putting on a smile.

He was about to greet the man, when he was pushed to the side.

"Harry, Eleanor and Devin were arrested this morning. You and Louis are able to move into your London house now. You will have three months off of work to get settled, but then you will need to finish up your tour. I'm going to be flying out your mum and sister, so they'll be here in two days. They'll arrive at London, so you better be there to get them."

Then, the man was walking out before Harry could say anything.

Louis shut the door behind him, turning to Harry.

Harry walked up to Louis, a worried, angry look on his face.

"You okay, my love? He pushed you to the side like you were nothing."

Louis smiled up at Harry fondly, causing Harry's heart to swell, "I'm okay, Hazzy. Just startled from his rudeness; but Haz, we can move in together! And you get to see your family!"

Harry grinned at that.

He would finally see them, after not seeing them in just under a year.

Tears sprung up in his eyes, so he hugged Louis, burying his face in the boy's hair.

Louis hugged him back, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry picked Louis up by the hips, bringing him over to the bed, laying Louis down.

He layed on top of the boy, their legs tangled together and their breaths mixing together as they looked at each other.

Louis was looking at Harry with so much love, so much adoration, that it made Harry want to cry.

"I love you, doodle," He said, pecking Louis' soft lips.

Louis blushed, "I love you, too, Hazza."

"We'll need to tell Liam and Zayn, huh?" Harry chuckled, "Then we need to go to Jay and Niall's room and tell them the news."

Louis nodded, "Then we've gotta go by my college and get everything from my professors and dorm. Jeez, I haven't been there in ages."

"Crazy how things change, huh?" Harry said.

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