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(A/N: This is genuinely just a filler chapter...but you get to see into Harry's thoughts a bit! Woop woop.)

Harry sat in his window seat on the silent plane, holding Louis close against his side while he watched the dark clouds from out of his window.

Almost everyone else was asleep on the plane, but Harry was wide awake.

He was thinking about his family, how he'd seen them, last, months ago and was missing them like crazy. About Louis' mum, who wasn't acting like herself and was scaring Louis, how she was supposedly in an abusive relationship.

He thought about that Eleanor girl, about how she's been seen everywhere. At almost every single show, constantly in his dms, he always see's her from the corner of his eye. At the store, on the street, at restaurants.

He should get a bodyguard.

It's like she's fallowing him, or Louis. Maybe both.

He thinks over Zayn and Liam's relationship.

He knows that Zayn is in deep, he falls too fast too quickly.

And Liam is just his type.

Liam, on the other hand, Harry doesn't know much about.

He's such a kind, caring and funny man, and he seems perfectly compatible with Zayn.

He'll cave his chest in if he hurts Zayn, however, because Zayn is like a brother.

But it's the little things that make Harry suspect that Liam likes Zayn in a not so friendly way.

The little caresses, holding softly onto the small of Zayn's back as they walk or talk, running his fingers down his arm, fixing his hair when it gets out of place, hugging him a lot longer than the others when they part ways.

And the looks - the longing, adoring, caring, and even lustful stares Liam gives Zayn. Probably without even realizing it.

Zayn is definitely oblivious to it.

Maybe that's how Harry looks at Louis?

With so much love and adoration for the boy.

No, he looks at him so much more earnestly, so much more deeply, and passionately than anyone else could ever look at a person.

He's sure of it.

Thinking about Louis again, he realizes that the blue eyed sassy boy still isn't fully his.

Neither of them had talked about the whole 'not being official yet' thing since Liam and Zayn first mentioned it a few hours ago.

How should Harry ask him? Should it be a big deal? Should he just casually ask Louis to be his boyfriend?

When they first shared their 'I love you's,' it was perfect. He didn't want those words to be shared to each other for the first time any other way.

Maybe he should ask Louis out on a date and then ask? Do they go on enough dates?

What if Louis expected to go on more dates with Harry?

What if he doesn't actually want to be thrown into the spotlight with the paparazzi and fans, so he doesn't want to go on a lot of dates and Harry would only make it worse by asking Louis out.

What if-

"Daddy?" He heard someone whisper from beside him.

He looked down at Louis, to see the boy staring back up at him, rubbing one of his eyes sleepily with his fist.

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