Christmas Bonus! (Not apart of story)

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"Omo! Baby bear you look so cute in those reindeer antlers!" Dahyun smiles at the small girl resting on her chest as she lays down

"Thank chuuuu" Y/n says in a baby voice as she smiles widely at Dahyun, her eyes turning into crescent moons and her smile revealing her gums

"Aigoo so cute!" Dahyun squeals as she punched Y/n's plump cheeks while smiling lovingly

"Would you like to open presents now?" Dahyun questions the girl as she softly strokes the short girls head in a slow motion

Y/n shakes her head no as she cuddles into the girl, trying to relish the warm that Dahyun produces

"Cmon baby bear let's open presents!" Dahyun pats y/n's butt a couple times as the girl gets off her before sulking

Dahyun gives the girl a medium sized box that is wrapped in red, white, and green wrapping paper.

"Open it! Open it!! Pali! Pali!" Dahyun excitedly ushers the girl to rip the wrapping and open her present

Y/n nods as she rips apart the wrapping paper and opens the box to reveal Dahyun's favorite sweater. The sweater y/n had always begged for the girl to wear.

Y/n smiles widely as she puts on the big and warm sweater, hugging herself as she absorbs the warmth it produces

"Y-You open too!" Y/n points at the big Christmas tree with a bright smile as she cuddles the sweater. Under the tree lays a small box wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper

Dahyun reaches for the box and carefully rips off the wrapping paper to reveal a white box. As she opens the box she sees a glimpse of something shiny and silver.

Dahyun gasps as she looks at the beautiful silver bracelet with a heart on it. Words embedded on the heart saying Dubu x Y/n

"I-If you miss me when I'm gone then.. have that to remind you that I'm always next to you even if it might not be physically!" Y/n smiles as she explains the explains why she had gotten the piece of jewelry

Dahyun smiles fondly as she listens to the girl explain, she slowly grabs something from behind her

"Hey baby bear, close your eyes and only open them if I say so alright?" The latter obeys and closes her eyes as she smiles




"Alright open!" Y/n opens her eyes to see Dahyun standing in front of her, holding a mistletoe above both of their heads

"Merry Christmas baby bear!" Dahyun says before leaning in and capturing the latter's lips with her own


Thank you for reading my book and I hope you've enjoy this bonus chapter :)

Enjoy your Christmas with your family and I hope you guys had received gifts! My gift to you guys is this chapter, which  I hope you like!

Merry Christmas and I hope you guys had a great day!

- Jay

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