3. I'll stay by you

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"M-Mina.." Y/n looks up at Mina as the latter stares at her with shock and her mouth open until her hand starts to violently shake

Y/n pulls Mina in the bathroom and locks the door after the girl made it inside the room. Mina stares at y/n's wrist until she grabbed her hand gently and rolled up the sleeve to check how much damage she's done.

What Mina was about to expose had stunned her and made her feel so blind as to what was happening to Y/n behind their backs.

Mina rolled up Y/n's sleeve about 3 inches to see 5 fresh cuts and a couple of scars. Some seemed like they had been cut yesterday while others seemed like they had been cut a couple years ago.

The more Mina rolled up y/n's sleeve the more she saw of the pain Y/n had inflicted on herself and had received from others. Just as Mina was about to roll the sleeve up more Y/n stopped her. "..no.."

"Y/n take of your clothes now" Mina said sternly because she wanted to see how much pain Y/n had to endure. (Okay- that kind seems weird to say now that I re-read it.. ANYWAYS CONTINUE)

Y/n shakes her head no, gripping on her clothes tightly as if the piece of cotton is going to be ripped off her body. "Y/n if you don't take it off I'll tell Dubu what's going on" Mina says with a stern voice

"F-Fine.. just please don't tell Dubu" Y/n looks at Mina with pleading eyes which the latter couldn't resist so she nodded

As Y/n slowly took off her clothes Mina started to see bruises and scars immediately. Mina traced Y/n's injures as the latter flinched from the cold air and Mina's cold hand. "Who did it?"

"E-Eh?" Y/n stared at Mina with a confused face as the girl stared at the fragile and injured body until she finally looked at her eyes to blurt out "Who hurt you?"

"M-My...m.. cat" Y/n quietly says as she stares at floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world until she feels a hand gently grab her wrist

Y/n looks at Mina with a confused face as the other gave her a stoic face. "Like I said Y/n. Who hurt you?"

Y/n's eyes widen a bit until she notices Mina won't stop until she answers truthfully so she did, "Papa.. Jennie.."

Mina sighs lowly then tends to Y/n's injuries, slowly and gently putting the bandages so that the girl wouldn't feel as much pain then helps the girl put on her clothes "would you like to stay at my place so you don't get abused?"

Y/n violently shakes her head no as she remembers her mother's unconscious, beaten body that held no energy to fight back or shield her self "Eomma..h..rt..too!"

"Alright.. if you need help or a place to stay just message this number and I'll be there as fast as I can. Also if you get bullied just signal me with a tap on the hand. I'll stay by you and comfort you the best I can" Y/n nods, silently thanking the taller girl and hugging her as Mina sneakily puts a piece of paper in her back pocket

"I.. got.. go h..me" Mina gives Y/n her sweater then opens the bathroom door only to see Nayeon looking at them with a shock face

"What.. Mina you dirty pengu-" Mina puts her hand over Nayeon's mouth then nods at signaling Y/n to go home

Y/n bolts out the house towards her house, scared that her father had done something to her mother

After seeing Y/n far away Dahyun walks towards Mina with a curious and serious look "Unnie why was she in your hoodie?"

Mina stares down at Dahyun with a small smile, raising her hand to pat the shorter girls head "It's nothing Dubu. We just talking about something"

"You sure you only talked?" Nayeon says looking at Mina with a huge grin plastered on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down

Okay this wasn't that long of a chapter and sorry this one took a bit long I was being lazy and playing games instead then had to finish homework

Sorry for the late update. I hope you look forward to the rest of the chapters!

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of your day ;D

- Jay

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