7. Take me with you

436 17 2

TW// Mentions of Death, mentions of hanging/suicide


Dahyun trails behind Jennie whilst holding Y/n's hand in case the other girl grabs her. They continue walking until Jennie suddenly stopped. "Are you gonna talk no-"

Dahyun's sentence was interrupted by a punch being thrown towards the girls eye. The pain cause Dahyun to squeak. Y/n looks at Dahyun with fear flashing in her eyes "D-Dahyun!"

Y/n immediately walks in front of Dahyun to shield the girl from another punch coming her way. The girl stumbles back from the force.

"Fucking rat! You should've just stayed at your little group. Leave our business alone Kim Dahyun" Jennie yells at the girl on the floor with a clenched fist

She swings a couple times before getting blocked and pushed towards the lockers. Feeling someone force her to come in contact with the lockers causes the girl to scream out of pain. Jennie winces from the pain stabbing at her back.

"D-Don't hurt my friend!" Y/n squeaks out as she firmly holds Jennie's body against the locker. Y/n attempts to changes their position to make the girl be in a locked position.

Noticing this Jennie flips the small girl on to the ground and steps on her ankle. "Don't touch me with your filthy hands"

While Jennie is distracted with subsiding y/n, Dahyun launches herself at the girl causing her to stumble onto the floor.

Jennie flips around and causes Dahyun to lay flat on the ground. She straddles her and starts delivering punches towards the shorter girls face as the latter attempts to block them.

Y/n gets the strength to get up and kicks Jennie off of Dahyun. The girl grabs Dahyun and shields her bruised face from the taller girl.

Jennie wipes blood from the corner of her mouth and massages her injured shoulder as she looks down at the two. "Don't mess with me. Weak mother fuckers"

Once saying that, the girl limps away as she holds onto her bloody back. After seeing the girls figure disappear, Y/n takes a look at Dahyun's face only to see the girl with a black eye and a busted lip and some bruises coating her arms.

"Aigoo.. you.. should.. no.. come" Y/n shakes her head with a frown as she thinks that she was the cause to her pain. Y/n lightly taps Dahyun's injuries which causes the latter to flinch from pain.

As Y/n's attention is focused on Dahyun the girl hears footsteps marching towards her. The girl looks up only to be lifted by her shirt collar and pushed against the lockers behind her.

"WHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO TO MY UNNIE?!" Tzuyu says through gritted teeth as she lifts the girl off the ground to face her. Tzuyu glances at Dahyun only to see the girl fainted from her injury.

Y/n glances at Mina, only to see the girl shaking her head in disappointment before focusing on her injured friend.

"Jennie.. punched Dahyunnie" Y/n mumbles as she turns her attention towards the fuming tall girl. Tzuyu's grip tightens as her brows furrow more.

"Why didn't you protect my unnie?! I trusted you y/n!" Tzuyu yells at the girl before throwing her limp body to the side then walking towards her precious unnie.

Y/n sighs as she attempts to crawl towards Dahyun only to be stopped by her member. Nayeon shakes her head before opening her mouth, "You didn't protect her. If you can't protect our dubu then just leave her alone for now"

[Completed] Goodbye | Kim DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now