6. Anxiety

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Y/n cracks her knuckles from stress as she feels the stern gaze of her classmates burning a hole through her back. Dahyun grabs y/n's hand with a strong grip as she looks at the girl with a face that says 'Dont you even dare trying to
crack your knuckles'

Y/n shuts her eyes tightly, hoping for the day to end faster or to be sent to the back of the class where her original seats was.

Dahyun had carried the girl to the classroom and made her sit next to her for the rest of the period, which Y/n hated since Dahyun's seat was in the front row meaning that everyone watches every single movement y/n makes.

Please end Please end Please end Please end Please end Y/n chants in her head as she glances towards the clock to see that it had been a minute, when it felt like it had been an hour already

——— 5 minutes of class left ———

Okay Y/n! You got this!! Only 5 more minutes left which means 300 more seconds left! Y/n continues to glance at the clock 2 minutes until

RING (ding dong, ring ding dong Ring diggy ding diggy ding)

Y/n bolts up from her chair as she puts her textbooks in her backpack at a inhumane speed. Dahyun watches in awe as the girl shoves all her textbooks in her ripped and messed up backpack.

Y/n glances at Dahyun, hoping for the girl to be faster at putting her textbooks back into her backpack. Noticing this Dahyun blurts out, "If you want, you can go to the cafeteria fi-"

Once hearing that Y/n bolts out the classroom, leaving Dahyun in shock since she had never seen the smaller latter run that fast.

—Skip to when Dahyun arrives at cafeteria—

Y/n looks up at Dahyun with a anxious face as the latter takes a seat on her lap without looking at her. Eomma always said that kisses make people smile.. so should I kiss cheek?

As Dahyun moves on Y/n's lap to get a more comfortable spot she suddenly feels something soft come in contact with her cheek. Turning her head slightly, she spots y/n biting her lip with a red face as the girl looks down at her back.

Noticing that the girl had just kissed her cheek, Dahyun's eyes widen as her jaw drops in shock. "W-Wha.."

The cafeteria suddenly turned quiet as students stare at the table with a shocked face.

"OKAY! The f%€ is wrong with you two?!" Nayeon says as she points a finger at the two girls with a shocked face

"Y/n just kissed Dahyunnie's cheek" Sana says as she always pointed a finger towards the two

".. sorry! .. Eomma said.. if do something wrong.. mm.. kiss.. ch-cheek" Y/n timidly says while she hits her head against Dahyun's back softly as if the girl was bowing

All nine girls felt their hearts squeeze at the sight from how cute and small the girl looked. Y/n continues to gently bang her head against Dahyun's back.

Y/n suddenly stops, looking up to see why the whole cafeteria had turned silent only to find out every student was looking at them. Y/n starts sweating as the stares seem to multiply. Stop! DONT STARE AT ME! PLEASE! STOP! S-Stop!

Y/n shakes her head violently as she feels like she's suffocating from the burning stares she is receiving. Please! Stop staring! GO AWAY!! Don't stare at me! Don't look at me like I'm not worth being here! Just stop!

Y/n gets out of her trance when she felt someone shaking her. Y/n shakes her head slowly as she hears someone chanting her name. "y/n... y/n.. Y/N... Y/N!!"

She looks up to see Dahyun shaking her frantically. Dahyun looks at the girl with a worried face, wondering why she had zoned out all of a sudden.

Y/n sends a hesitant smile towards Dahyun while putting her fingers up to form a thumbs up. "I'm good... no..w..ry!"

Just as Y/n was going to do a breathing exercise to ease her anxiety, she felt someone grip on her shoulder. Y/n looks up to be face to face with Jennie causing her to immediately turn pale. (Btw! If you guys are thinking if this is Blackpink's Jennie, it isn't. It's just a random person)

Jennie smiles bitterly as she grits her teeth, tightening her grip she mutters out, "Hey     Y/n/nie.. I need you for a bit.."

Y/n immediately turns her head towards Mina with a worried face. Noticing this, Mina sends Y/n a scared face that pretty much tells her that she couldn't help as it would be seen as suspicious and start dating rumors.

Sighing, y/n taps Dahyun's thigh lightly so she gets off her lap, which the latter disobeys. Y/n looks at the girl, who is currently having a emotionless face. Dahyun finally opens her mouth as jealousy and venom drips from her tone "Why would need to talk to her alone? Just talk here"

Jennie and Y/n both look at Dahyun with a shocked face, seeing the cheerful and bubbly girl turn into a cold and expressionless person. "I-I mean, what we talk about could be private! Just get off!"

Tch, bitch. Dahyun stoic face turns into a smile that seemed coated with so much sweetness that it had been scary. "How about the three of us talk, sound good? Good! Let's go!"

Dahyun smirks as she waits for Jennie to confirm talking together. Dahyun taps her wrist like she had a watch, as the other twice members watch in shock since they've never seen the girl act like this.

Fuck! Stupid bitch should've just stayed here.. I guess she'll be seen with a black eye too. Jennie smirks at her newly formed plan, "Alright, Let's go"

Why do I have like 3 more story ideas when I haven't finished both of my stories yet-

Why does this creativity come when I'm on Wattpad but doesn't come when I'm forced to make a story for Lang ;-;

Sorry I haven't been that active because after I updated my other story I went to study for my midterms, finals, and tests.

I'm sorry if I take long to update because I'm studying but I got a break so I could update more/faster!

For those that also that finals/midterms and test, Good Luck! You got this! If you didn't get a grade that succeeds your expectations, study harder and find ways to help yourself! Don't sleep late and stress too much!

Btw, how do some of you guys read/vote for my story in like 2-4 minutes. You guys read hella fast or I just read slowly

Anyways, I hope you've enjoy this chapter!

- Jay
(Edit: My dumb ass just noticed I didn't put a title so SORRY FOR PUBLISHING LIKE 3 TIMES)

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