8. Days

392 19 1

Day 1

Dear Sketch,

Life is pretty hard without tofu.. I have nothing to make me smile as much. Life feels so.. empty! It's alright Y/n! Everything will be over once she is happy again.. Mina has been telling me about her.

Papa has been hitting us harder these days but it seems that it doesn't hurt anymore. Why can't I feel anything? Every hit feels like nothing. Am I broken?

Dahyunnie why aren't you smiling as brightly? I don't see you smiling ear to ear as much. Please smile and end my misery. Once you are happy again I'll leave you alone. Why are you crying today? Mina told me that you were crying the whole day. Don't waste your beautiful tears Dahyunnie!


Day 57

Dear Sketch,

Dahyun is getting better! Mina said she only cries about 4 times every week! She's getting better. I see her beautiful smile coming back I'm so happy! Maybe she doesn't need me! Maybe it'll be over soon once I see her signature smile! Mina has been giving me good updates but hasn't been replying as fast as usual, what's wrong?

Papa almost killed her. Why would he hurt her so much. Why would you hurt someone weaker than you. Papa are you that Worthless?! WHY MUST YOU HURT MY MOM?!


Day 101

Dear Sketch,

He killed her. The bullying is getting worst too. Jennie came back at least she isn't targeting Dubu. Why did he have to kill my only family left? Why must he hurt me like this?!

At least Dubu is getting better. She's smiling more and doesn't have puffy eyes anymore. I'm happy for you Dubu.


Day 159

He touched me.

It hurts Irene Unnie. Please take me. Just take me now it hurts. PLEASE JUST TAKE ME ALREADY HALMEONI! I can't take it anymore. Everything hurts. Why do they pick on me? Did I do something wrong in my past life? If I did please forgive me and just make this a dream. He did it continually. Save me please


Day 200

I can't take it. He comes in and touches me like I'm some sort of doll. Halmeoni, Unnie, Eomma help me. Just take me with you please! Mina doesn't even tell me about Dahyunnie anymore.. she doesn't message me back. Am I a bother? Am I worthless? Am I even good enough? Why does everything hurt?! Why can't I just be dead yet. I want to stop all this pain! Take me to the sky! Someone save me please! Anyone! Dahyun! Mina! Save me! I don't care anymore just save me from this monster


Y/n cries as she hears banging on her door. The banging getting louder and louder, as if the door would suddenly break from the impact. "OPEN UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

Not again PLEASE! It hurts! Don't touch me you monster! Y/n's muffled cries increases as she tries to budge her window open

NO! WHY IS IT STUCK! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! Y/n fumbles with the window as she realizes she has nothing left

I can't do anything.. There is nothing- She turns her head and sees the messages between her and Mina

W-Wait.. YES! Y/n bolts to her phone and immediately messages and calls the girl multiple times


Dahyun sighs as she thinks about all the memories between her and Y/n. Her thoughts get interrupted by buzzing

buzz buzz

Dahyun looks at Mina's vibrating phone and grabs it only to see multiple messages and calls. Message from Princess?

11 missed calls from princess

15 unread messages from princess




Wait.. Y-Y/n?? Mina Unnie has been hiding her messages from me?! Dahyun reads through the messages trying to find the girls address

What's your address?

******** PLEASE HURRY!

I'm coming y/n just wait for me! Dahyun grabs the car keys and takes Mina's phone with her as she bolts out the dorm


YES! I FINISHED THIS! I almost had no idea what to do but I finally did it >:)))

I hope you've enjoyed this story :))

- Jay

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