2. Is it fun to hurt others?

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Dahyun barged in the classroom while holding Y/n's hand as she sat down in the front seat still having a grip on Y/n's hand as if tell her to sit next to her but Y/n lets go of the taller girl's hand and takes a seat at the very end

Dahyun looks back at Y/n worried about why the smaller girl didn't sit next to her until the teacher hit the whiteboard with a stick to get the classes attention so she looks towards the teacher

Since she had turned too fast she had missed seeing a female student throwing a pencil at   Y/n successfully wounding the girl on the cheek causing her to flinch from the slight sting

As the class continue to go on so did the constant pain Y/n had to go through from objects ranging from a pencil to a eraser being thrown at her with a painful amount of force

Once the class ended Dahyun bolted out her seat towards Y/n direction scaring the poor girl that was putting her textbooks away

"Baby bear- EH?!" Dahyun squeaks as she sees a wound on Y/n's plump cheeks that has blood still running down and bruises on her arm

"W-Wah? Who did this baby bear" Dahyun says as she tugs on the small girl's hand attempting to get her to stand from her seat which she obeys

Once the girl stands up Dahyun immediately drags the poor girl to the clinic and picks her up, plopping her onto the clinic bed as the said girl fidgets with her fingers not knowing what lie to tell

"I.. fell" Y/n quietly mutters as she watches Dahyun get bandages and rush back to her to tend to her wounds

Y/n flinches feeling cold alcohol rub against her cheek remembering an incident that happened at home


As Y/n reaches for a bandage trying to grab it in order to help stop the bleeding from her mother's head a cold liquid gets dumped on the top of the girls head

Once she looks up she sees her father with a big grin on his face as he holds the empty beer bottle like a dagger aiming to hit the girl from the side of the head

He hits her with a lot of force but not enough to knock her out just yet. Once throwing the broken bottle to the corner he attempts to kick the girl in the face to fracture her nose.

Just as he's about to make the hit



~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~

Dahyun taps Y/n's cheek a couple times once she noticed that the girl was spacing out and starting to frown causing the girl to get back to reality

"Hey.. we should go to the cafeteria now alright? Come on" Dahyun grabs Y/n's hand leading the the girl towards the table that the rest of their friends were seated at

"Eh? What took so long? And why does Y/n/nie have bruises?" Sana says as she holds the small girl's fragile hand softly making her sit down

Once Y/n had sat on the seat, Dahyun took a seat on the girl's lap and started eating her lunch and feeding Y/n as if this was a normal thing, which it was

Unexpectedly a unknown arm goes around Y/n's shoulder causing the girl to flinch remembering how her father had put his arm around her whenever he had guest over acting like a decent father to his child

"Hey Y/n, how has it been?" Jennie says faking a smile as she rests her chin the small girl's head as her grip tightens on her shoulder making Y/n flinch a bit

[Completed] Goodbye | Kim DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now