10. Promise

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5 months have passed since that horrendous day, everyday seemed to be getting better. Y/n had started living in an apartment and had seemed like she was being happier each day, in Dahyun's eyes.

However, all of this was just an act to hide her trauma and pain that y/n still deals with. She's scared of being touched, thinking that someone would use her body and hurt her.

Dahyun's thoughts are the exact opposite of what is occurring. Everyday Y/n gets more anxious, more dull, and less hopeful but she hides it with her beautiful smile.

Everything is fantastic now! Y/n no longer deals with anything, I have her back, and nothing is bothering us anymore. We're finally complete! Dahyun smiles as she talks to herself in her head while looking at Y/n's side profile

Is she finally happy? C-Can I finally visit Halmeoni, Eomma, and Unnie soon? Y/n looks at the moon with a slight smile

Y/n sighs before turning to Dahyun, opening her mouth she blurts out "Dahyunnie, Are you happy?"

"E-Eh?" Dahyun looks at y/n with a confused face as to why she asked that before continuing "Yes I am. With you and the other members, I'm very happy"

"O-Oh.. How would you feel if I was gone?" Y/n says as she looks at Dahyun with an unreadable face

"W-Well.. I would feel sad, very sad.. So you should never leave me! Promise me you'll always stay with me" Dahyun quickly says as she holds up her pinky finger, looking at Y/n with expectant eyes




... P-Promise.." Y/n hesitant stutters out as she links her pinky finger with Dahyun's. I'm sorry.. later on I won't be able to keep my promise Dahyunnie..

S-She hesitated.. she'll stay with me till we're old, right? No! She won't always stay with you! But what if she does?! Dahyun frowns as she internally fights with herself

"Well, we should sleep now Dahyunnie. I'll see you when I see you" Y/n smiles as she walks back into the apartment room, going back to laying on the soft mattress

If I do.. go.. I be able to be happy and seen Halmeoni but, Dahyunnie would stay here, sad. I don't want Dahyunnie sad but every day is getting harder.. the will to live is slowly decreasing. Aigoo what should I do?! Y/n rolls around in the bed as she thinks about what could possibly happen after she lets go of that rope holding her

Y/n's thoughts get interrupted by a sudden dip in the mattress. The girl turns around only to be an inch away from the face of Dahyun's.

"I'll tell my unnies that I'll be staying here" Dahyun says as a goofy smile gets plastered over her face

"B-But where will you sleep?"

"With you"

"WHAT!" Y/n bolts up as she stares at the girls face with a confused and worried face from Dahyun's blunt statement

"Don't worry! We're friends and girls so it's alright" The taller latter smiles as she pats y/n's head

The smaller girl sighs, laying as she lifts up the duvet before signaling for her to get in the covers, which the latter obeys to. Dahyun smiles as she wraps her arms around y/n's waist, nuzzling her face in the crook of the latter's neck before opening her mouth

"You won't leave me right?"

Okay this is kind of a short chapter compared to some of the other chapters so I'm sorry :[

I was being a lazy bean today and staying in bed all day so I rushed this chapter a bit.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoy this chapter and had a good day!

Btw this story is near the end so be ready for the ending :)

- Jay

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