1. Why do they hate me?

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‼️TW; Mentions of ab4se, ab4se, strong language, family issues‼️

If you are easily tr!ggered by mentions of ab4se I beg of you not to read this

If you are fine with reading then continue on with the book ♥️

Dear Sketch Sketch,

Why does Dad continue to hurt me? He hit me this morning when he threw that Apple but it's alright.. I still love him! Does it give him any joy..? If it does I'll gladly let him continue but why does he have to do it to Eomma? I should've taken the hit but momma ran in front of me. Why can't he smile at me at least once? If hurting us gives him joy like he says it does why doesn't he smile? I can't continue covering up all my bruises and wounds like I use to. What should I do now halmeoni? I miss you a lot! I promise I'll bring you some fruits like I use to!

Dahyun is pretty popular these days! She had her debut a couple weeks ago. She is pretty famous and has a lot of crowds with her but she still sticks with me. Why isn't she leaving me behind like the rest? She is in a group called Twice. They consists of 9 members including Dubu.

Why do those mean people continue to hurt me and tell me to stop hanging out with Dubu? Why do they hate me? It hurts when they hit me but I'm use to it! Papa does it a lot! He tells me he enjoys doing that but always gets drunk and screams at eomma. Halmeoni please help me or just take me with you.

Oops! I got to go now Sketch Sketch! Dubu and her friends are coming in a couple minutes. Goodbye Mr Sketch Sketch

- Y/N


"Y/NNIEEEEE DUBU IS HEREEE!!" Dahyun yells out running to her bestfriend plopping down on the shorter person's lap just as the latter closes her journal

Y/n nods as Dahyun hugs her, squeezing her like a big teddy bear. Dahyun snuggles her face into Y/N's neck inhaling her slight strawberry scent, arms wrapped around the smaller girl's neck

"Dubu, get off Y/n she needs to put her stuff away ALSO WE'RE IN THE FUCKING CAFETERIA!" Tzuyu attempts to pull Dahyun off the small figure as Chaeyoung steals a strawberry from Y/n's snack box

"Morning Y/n" six tall figures start towering over the smaller girl stuck in the cafeteria seat

"And Tzuyu don't curse" Jihyo scolds the tall girl like a mother scolding her daughter

Tzuyu throws Dahyun towards Sana making Dahyun caged in Sana's bear hug as she looks at Y/n wriggling like a worm "hErLp mE

Y/n sends Dahyun a small crooked smile as if saying sorry then looks down, feeling bad as she couldn't do anything just like how she couldn't help her mother


"Baby bear help me.." Y/n's mother mutters as she gets hit by Y/n's father tears building up in her eyes pleading for Y/n to call the cops to capture that evil man

"SHUT UP USELESS BITCH" Y/n's father yells as he continues to kick the unconscious body of her mother whilst gripping a empty glass bottle

Just as Y/n's father goes to hit her mother on the back of her head Y/n runs in to take the damage in order to protect her mother

"Useless monster get out the fucking WAY!" He screams as he kicks Y/n's stomach a couple times before stomping out the house leaving the unconscious mother and wounded child

"I...s..rry..momma" Y/n stutters out as she holds her mother's fragile and unconscious body while rocking out of fear and anxiety.
Y/n passes out a couple seconds after checking her mother from the damage given to the poor girl's head

~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~~~~~~~

Dahyun shakes Y/n and hugs the smaller girl while rocking side to side taking Y/n away from her own world "Baby bear you alright? Don't cry.."

Y/n looks up at Dahyun with a confused face once she heard the word cry. Y/n reciprocates the hug, hugging the taller girl tighter scared of what might happen to her once she gets back home


"Prettiest girl is still here you know-"
Nayeon says interrupting the hugging session as she flips her hair

"Classes are going to start in a couple minutes too so we should get going" Tzuyu says as she looks at her watch wondering when the group would go to class

"Alright! Maknaes and Y/n go to class we'll go to class" Nayeon said as she stomps her way to the Senior classrooms

"Alright! Bye bye Unnies!" Dahyun yells as she then drags Y/n by the hand to the Junior classrooms clingy on the short girl

"She didn't even wait for us.." Chaeyoung says as she grabs the Yoda's hand and runs after Dahyun dragging the tall girl


This is my second story :D

Sorry if this one isn't that good because I have like a C in Lang so-

Enjoy reading this bad book ;D

- Jay

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