11. Goodbye

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Everything was going great.. Everything seemed to be in place. Y/n being happy, Dahyun being happy, everyone being happy. Everything was fine..

But not all stories end with a happy ending.








The air so fresh here.. It's finally time to be free! I'm sorry Dahyunnie, this bridge was too tempting for me.. At least I'll get to see your beautiful face before I go home

I know I said I'd always stay by you.. but promises are sometimes meant to be broken..

Promises are similar to life, some lives may be bad, some lives may be good, some lives may be a rollercoaster, but life doesn't last for an eternity.. Just like promises

You think I'm alright Dahyunnie.. but I'm still hurt. He still haunts me. I still see his face everywhere I go, at the bathroom, at the mall, at the park, watching me as if he knows he can just snatch me.

I still remembers those times.. when I couldn't just hug you because they told me to leave you.. Should I have cherished more time with you? Should I have been more careful and protected you?

I'm sorry I have to leave you so early.. but I know you're strong! You'll overcome this obstacle in life and you'll go on.. you might be sad for a bit but don't worry! You'll get through this Dahyunnie!

Each step makes me feel more free.. I feel like I could do anything Dahyunnie! Why are people trying to stop me? It's too late.. but I want to see your face just before I go!

They tell me not to but there are so many reasons I want to let go of that rope! I have so many reasons..

Y/d/n yells as he looks down at y/m/n. "YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT! WHY DID I EVER MARRY YOU?!" He yells as he grabs a knife. "N-NO! PLEASE! Y-Y-Y/n still needs me! SHE NEEDS A MOTHER! S-She already lost Irene.. w-what more could you want.. you monster" Y/m/n yells at her husband as she crawls backwards, fear displayed in her eyes. Y/n opens the door to reveal her father standing over her mother with a knife in his hand. "Welcome home, Darling" Y/d/n says before lodging the knife in his wife. Y/n pushes him away as she puts pressure to the wound, "EOMMA DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES! PLEASE" The girl cries as she hugs the body going limp.

Do I deserve what I get? Did I deserve to lose the people that meant the most to me..? Maybe my pain will stop if I just do it

I walk closer to the edge and Gosh.. the site looks so peaceful.. I'm finally standing at the edge of the bridge. It feels so.. serene! The beautiful waves moving calmly..

I turn around and I see you Dahyunnie.. with your members! I hope you're finally happy.. Why are you yelling at me? Although you yell at me your beautiful face makes this the best day of my life.. but why aren't you smiling? I bet you were smiling 5 minutes ago.. if you are worrying about me then don't worry! I'll miss you but you'll always remember me by a bracelet! I put it on your hand while you were sleeping!

Y/n looks at Dahyun with a soft smile on her face. 'You look so peaceful and comfy Dahyunnie' Y/n grabs a tiny box, opening it to reveal a bracelet with a small silver heart attached. The heart saying 'Y/n and Dubu'. 'You know Dahyunnie.. I'll miss you when I'm gone but don't worry! You'll always have this to remember me! I'll even write you a letter.. I'll miss you!' Y/n smiles as she kisses Dahyun's forehead softly as she clips the bracelet around her wrist

You look so scared Dahyunnie! Why? I know I promised not to leave you but it's alright! Everything will be fine! I love you Dahyunnie!

I look at her beautiful face before mouthing my last words, "I love you Dahyunnie! Goodbye"

And.. finally

I did it! I've taken the step..

Author's POV

~1 hour before~

Dahyun smiles as she hangs out with the rest of her members, happy that they've finally forgiven Y/n. I can't wait for them to talk to her again!

The girl looks at her phone, waiting for Y/n's message telling her that she got to her apartment safely like always. Looking up, she sees the rest of the members starring at her.

"O-Oh.. Erm.. yes?" Dahyun smiles as she puts her phone down to focus her attention on her members

"Why do you keep looking at your phone? Is it because a special someone?" Chaeyoung grins as she wriggles her eyebrows up and down to tease Dahyun

"I'm just waiting for-" Dahyun gets interrupted by her phone dinging causing her to immediately whip out the electronic and check her messages


Yesterday 10:59 pm

Night baby bear!

Today 1:47 pm

Baby Bear 🐻
Go to Mapo Bridge. I want to
see your face before a leave Dahyunnie

What do you mean?!


"U-UNNIE do you have a car?! PLEASE!" Dahyun frantically grabs Nayeon's hand as she points towards the exit of the mall

"Yes wh-"

"JUST HURRY PLEASE!" Dahyun drags Nayeon towards the car as the fumbles with the door handle

"Ok Ok! Calm down we need the others though" Nayeon signals for the other members as she starts the cars engine

Once having all members in the car Dahyun immediately tells Nayeon to drive to Mapo Bridge, chanting her order again and again

~10 minutes later~

Dahyun gets out the car as she sees a figure at the edge of the bridge with bypassers trying to persuade the person not to jump

"BAE Y/N! DON'T YOU DARE MOVE FROM THAT SPOT!" Dahyun screams as she runs towards the person whom she'd figured was her beloved Y/n

She watched as her friend mouths words towards her with a smile before leaning backwards towards the sea with a smile, I love you Dahyunnie. Goodbye

Dahyun lets out a ear piercing scream as she watches her best friend's body plunge down towards the sea, tears stream down her cheeks as she looks over the edge of the bridge

I love you too.

The End

If you see someone that is having signs of being suicidal please don't be quiet because you could be able to save another important life :) If a friend or someone you know is acting off or not acting like how they normally act, please try to find the problem and help them. Please cherish your times with friends and/or family because you never know when they might disappear so spend as much time as you can with that person and make new memories. If you know someone has suicidal thoughts or is possibly doing harm to themselves, I beg of you to help them and don't rush them because you never know how much pain they're going through. Let them know that you're trying to help them and that you'll be there for them. Thank you for taking your time to read this book - Jay

[Completed] Goodbye | Kim DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now