5. Game On

477 16 4

Is Mina going to come? W-What if she doesn't?! Is she like.. the others? No, Mina would never! Right? Mina doesn't care about you. No one does. Y-Yes someone does! Dubu cares for me! No she doesn't! It's all an act. Just slide it against your wrist, it won't do any harm..

Just as Y/n was about to slide the shard against her wrist she saw something hit her window, causing her to flinch and drop the shard of glass.

Y/n walked towards her window, scared of what might've hit her window. Looking down, she saw a concerned looking penguin causing her to unconsciously smile slightly

"Y/n stay right there! Don't do anything I'll climb up to you" Mina climbs up the wall and into the room without taking her eyes off  Y/n even for a millisecond (Okay idk what I was thinking but ig Mina is spiderwoman)

Once her feet came in contact with the floor, Mina got crushed in a hug by the smaller figure that was now crying into her neck. Y/n snuggles her face in Mina's neck, feeling safe and content while hugging the girl.

Mina feels the small girl's body start feeling heavier by the second causing her to turn her head towards the small one, only to find out that she had fallen asleep in her arms.

"Aigoo.."A wide and soft smile plasters over the taller girl's face as she carries the smaller on towards her bed and lays down next to her. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore princess, I promise!

Mina covers both of their bodies in a thin blanket and holds Y/n body tight to her own. She starts feeling her eye lids getting heavier by the second. Laying next to Y/n, she kisses the smaller girl's crown and rests her head on the pillow.

————— 6 AM —————

Mina woke up due to yelling and her phone ringing loudly. She looks down to y/n hugging her sound asleep, making her sigh in relief. Mina unlocked her phone to see 408 missed calls and 615 unread messages making her eyes widen. Oh shit!

5:35 AM
Chewy: You better come back or else I'm going to get murdered Mina unnie

5:42 AM

5:43 AM
Cub: Mina unnie, Jihyo unnie is going crazy. Pls help I'm scared.

5:45 AM
Snake: Hey Mina, you should probably come home

5:51 AM
Nabongs: Minaaaaaaaaa Where are you?! We're all scared. Please come back to the dorm

5:52 AM
Ostrich Unnie: Mina! Dahyun is asking if you know where Y/n is because she isn't at school early which is unusual.

5:52 AM
Moguri: Ayo... ;_; where are you! Jihyo didn't make food for us today because she was worrying about you coming home 😭😭😭

5:57 AM
Tofu: Mina Unnie where is Y/n/nie?!! Is she with you because both of you aren't here?Please tell me Mina unnie!

Who should I reply to.. If I reply to Jihyo unnie then she'll scold me and start talking for 6 hours and the others are not that recent. I guess I'll message Dahyun first

6:03 AM
Penguin: Sorry for not messaging! Someone needed me for a bit and I slept with them at their place. And don't worry, I didn't sleep on the floor I slept with them in the bed.

[Completed] Goodbye | Kim DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now