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Reaper: Hi

Geno: Hi

Error: hi

Dream(Atë): Hi

Grim: Hi

Current Location: Other Multiverse


   "I love you, do you love me?"

Those words echoed throughout Reaper's mind as he stood shocked. Geno stood before him, waiting for an answer with a determined spark in his eyes. Deja Vu hit him as he looked at the way Geno looked at him, at the spark in his eyes. Reaper did love Geno but as much as he could think about it, it didn't feel right. It never did, from the moment he first saw Gen he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.  He never understood why he expected Geno to be strong-headed or act in certain ways when Geno was the opposite, he was shy and had a short temper, he pushed him away but then expected him to be back; Reaper didn't mind but it felt off. He loved him but he wasn't in love with him.

 "I'm sorry, I just can't"

Geno looked distraught, his eyelights went blank and tears started to fall, he started to laugh and muttered "Of course, how could anyone love me?"

 Reaper wanted to hug him and tell him 'It's alright I was only joking' but he could not something held him back, and it crushed him more than he could say, and with that...he left not even sparing a second glance.

Geno was left alone, he looked up at the crushing void and wished Reaper would come back, he wistfully thought about what could have happened if Reaps had said yes or if Geno never said those crushing words. Everything would have remained as it was, at least he wouldn't have made a fool of himself. He didn't think Reaper would come back after this, it would be the same. "I love you" he sobbed.

He fell to the floor with a thud. 


  Reaper could never explain why he always felt so lonely. Even when he had Papyrus by his side or the time he was with Tori, but it always felt like there was something missing. When he met Geno he fell for him, he did not feel so alone anymore, but even so, he still felt lonely at times and as he spent more time with Geno it only grew, he felt off. 

   Everyday Reaper came home from reaping souls and he would almost expect someone to be there at those times he would almost see a glimpse of that person, his fire. Then he would come back from his fazed state and he would feel lost, trying to reach what he was missing, only to fail. He would almost cry during these moments.

  Today though, it was for a moment the same until he remembered he would not go visit Geno today, those eyes he felt such guilt he couldn't just go back as if nothing happened. He decided to take a stroll instead. He went to Outertale and contemplated everything. He walked until he saw two figures in the distance sitting on a ledge, he watched until one of them left and thought about going up to the person or leaving. Oh well, curiosity killed the cat, and the cat didn't care. So with that, he walked up to them.

  The stranger had dark bones, pretty red eye sockets, and honestly looked like he was about to leave. 


"I don't want to fight"

"I just wanted to talk but if you don't want to its fine"

"No... it's okay I have a few minutes before my friend drags me out of here to find what he calls black and white midget flamingoes"

"Pfft, what?"

"It's a long story"

"Alright, sooo what are you doing here?"

  They talked for a pretty long while about the things they liked. Hobbies, friends, and many other things. It turned a little awkward when Reaper found out he could touch them without getting them killed because he almost killed the stranger with a hug, they didn't die but it turned out he crashed, and once regained consciousness tears found a frantic Reaper saying sorry many times over and over again. It was nice, he had not talked to anyone like that before, it took his mind off his problems. They cracked a few jokes here and there and man it was the best time of his life. He will admit he soon felt like a teenager around their crush because he couldn't stop blushing, after looking into his eyes as the stranger gave the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. Soon enough though that crazy friend of theirs came by and dragged tears by the scarf before looking at Reaper in his eye and saying, the flamingoes will rise in the creepiest way he has heard before taking off with tears.

  Reaper sat for a bit longer in the light of Outertale's skies and smiled and heat rose to his cheeks. That is when he realized he had not felt lonely at all for the very first time, he had found his fire and he hoped he would meet him again. Maybe he could get tears's name next time. He stood up and went back home.


"Guess what Paps?"

"Yes, brother?"

"I met someone today and!"

"Brother you are acting like a teenage girl, you are literally floating in the clouds with that look on your face! Get down!"

"I don't want to though!"

"Fine then...what do they look like!"

"He has dark bones and beautiful red eyesockets, also tear like markings down their cheeks an-"

" met the destroyer!?"

"...who is that?"

"This is what you get for being antisocial all the time."

"I don't regret it cause I just met the love of my life, and the next step is buying some of those teenage love advice magazines!"

".... I don't have any words anymore"


Well, this is the end of the chapter, hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the long wait. 

Word Count: 868

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