A New Friend

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Character Speech: 

Dream: ...so what now

Nightmare: Hi

   Dream took a while to think about what to do next, so eventually, after a lot of thinking he came up with...nothing. All he could think about was about his home, and he found himself not feeling anything for it.

  "...I don't want to do anything. I wish Nightmare was here he would know what to do."

  He suddenly remembered the promise he has made oh so long ago.

   "No matter what happens I want you to keep trying ok? If one day maybe I'm not there, and you are all alone I want you to go beyond, I want you to be happy. So never give up okay?"

   Nightmare had looked so down that day. When he made that promise he looked so tired, so desperate. Dream of course promised him that, Nightmare looked so relieved as if he knew something Dream did not...the next day Nightmare ate the apples.

   "...I promise"

 Dream stood up he was going to keep going and start again it didn't matter if this new multiverse was worse than his old one or not, he was going to be what he wanted to be, he was going to be happy. 

  But first, he would need to move forward, go beyond.


   Dream had finally found a small village after many hours of walking like seriously he was starting to get jealous of Reaper. The town was nice people were bustling about walking from place to place. Soon enough he found a small shop, Rosaline's. 

  If he were to meet the other version of himself it would cause confusion for sure, so he decided to change a few things about himself, obviously, the clothes had to go.  He opened the door and looked around. The shop had a cupboard of food, cutlery, a few trinkets, and a rack of clothes; he ignored the receptionist for now. He looked for anything of his interest until he found a pair of black leggings he liked, along with some high black boots, a pastel yellow tank top, and to top it off a black bomber jacket, and a white floofy sweater. He went towards the receptionist but then remembered...he didn't have any money. He looked at the receptionist and she stared back.

   Dream put the stuff in a bag slowly stepped back and booked it. If anyone tried to search for him they would not find him, unless his counterpart came here, he could put the blame on him though. He heard some of the villagers chasing and yelling at him so he opened a random portal and ran into it, as he laughed his head off.

  He ended up in outertale. It was gorgeous not even his outertale could compare the stars and planets all around him as he stood in a bioluminescent field. The flowers looked like the stars themselves, and the air was quiet. As he stood still he suddenly heard cries. Dream took a step forward to find the source. 

  It was another version of Error. He sat on the edge of a cliff as he sobbed, he was injured too. Dream remembered his Error, Dream always wished to help him. Error looked towards the sky and spoke.

 "Why? I have only done what has been asked of me, so why do they hate me?.. I wish someone would help me, Its not like Nights can he already does so much."

  Dream walked towards Error. He flinched as Dream got close enough, but he stayed in place. Soon enough Dream got to the edge and sat down, it was silent again. 

 "Why aren't you hurting me? I know you're just going to call Ink." 

 " Why would I do that if you are not hurting anyone?" 

Error looked back and was shocked at the sight.


"Nope, I'm from ANOTHER MULTIVERSE!!!"

"What the heck?"

"Shut up I know I'm weird."

  Error laughed at the sudden randomness and soon Dream followed, the laugh was too contagious, none of them will get Corona from this...hopefully. They stood up and Error looked down on Dream. Then Dream got up and looked at Error with determination.

   "After I get changed wanna prank some people? Either that or we go eat and then continue to lie on the floor."

"Sure....why not. I have not had some fun in a while."

"Then we go to Antarctica to find some black and white flamingoes, I heard they are midgets."

"Wait wh-"


Word Count: 738

P.S. After I figure out how to take a picture with my laptop I'll draw a picture of Dream.

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