A Sacrifice

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-Im back! Hello get ready for a long one this time!

- Again all art shown belongs to their respective owners

-Dark themes are in this chapter, and there is slight swearing

-Also sorry for any mistakes I wrote this at three in the morning


Dream was sitting alone in the Anti-Void bored out of his mind. Error was supposed to come soon but that later became an eternity. There was literally nothing to do, sure he could knit and do cartwheels but that didn't sound fun at all. So he lay there in the Anti-Void twitching in solitude and trying not to let his sad thoughts get to him.

"Okay, all you need to Dream is think happy thoughts!" Dream yelled to himself.

"Well...I made a new friend called Error in this new multiverse! Reaper looks nice! I will never be able to go back and see Blue. Every time I look at Errors face there is a small voice telling me I screwed him over in my old multiverse due to ignorance." Dream stared at the...wall as he finished his monologue.

 "Okay that got dark fast!" he yelled.

He stood up and put on his jacket which was in a crumpled mess due to it being thrown around before he fell asleep. He opened a portal and then left, he was sure Error would understand anyway. He didn't really have a destination in mind so he ended up in Underswap, the place he did not want to be in at the moment. A slight memory of Blue hugging him with excitement when he visited flashed through Dream's mind. His eyes slightly teared up but he quickly vanished the thoughts and forced a smile on his face. He looked at the snowy forest which looked so similar to the place he once visited frequently and went to open a portal until he heard the snow crunch behind him and soon he was pinned to a tree and he yelped. There stood an Underswap sans with armor and a stern look on his face which he saw in Blue often when he noticed that Dream stopped taking care of himself. Dream could only stare. Snow started to fall and time seemed to freeze for a second until he the sans spoke.

"Who are you and why are you here?" he spoke in a powerful voice, it seemed like no one messed with this guy.

Dream smiled and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, instead, he felt like he had something stuck in his throat and for a second he saw his Blue, a worried expression on his face. Then the grip of the sans weakened and Dream came back to reality, and that's when he noticed he was crying. He pushed that sans away and ran. He looked back before opening a portal and saw that same worried face his Blue wore so many times.

He ended up in a crowded alternate universe, there was light in every nook and cranny of the place. People going in and out of the many markets and other buildings that stood in place. He wiped his tears and decided to venture after all it wasn't like he had anything else to do. He quickly wondered about Error and continued. He kept bumping into people and tried to keep his hood up but he had to admit this place was very nice it was clean and everyone seemed to have a smile on their face, if Dream was honest it was making him kind of uncomfortable. It seemed too perfect. Dream soon spotted a library and entered, it was huge on the inside, shelves so high you would need a ladder to get up there and it was filled to the brink with books almost no corner without except the sofas and windows which let light enter softly. Nightmare would have loved this place. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" said a young lady at the check-in.

"Oh um hi, I am just here to read some books! Don't worry I won't break their spine if they don't fly away!" Dream blurted out.

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