Deja Vu

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Error woke up screaming. He looked ahead as if expecting someone who wasn't there. As Error calmed, he touched his face only to find out he was crying, he felt so empty but that was nothing new. In the corner lying on one of his bean bags was the other Dream fast asleep, he was twitching and occasionally mumbling incoherently nonsense, Error allowed himself to sigh and smile. Thinking about it, it had been a while since someone had stayed over, the last time being when his insane self had kidnapped Azure but that ended pretty quickly after he started to glitch; luckily it seemed that Dream two hadn't glitched at all since staying with him, so he enjoyed the company.

He stretched his bones as the voices started to yell but of course like always he paid them no mind. He opened up a map of the multiverse checking which alternate universes were close to touching each other and soon set off to work. Giving one last glimpse at his...friend as he opened a portal to flowerfell, an au that was slowly decaying due to its creator giving up on it.

He arrived giving a look at the golden flowers of the throne room before he heard the Asgore of the place who was quick to attack. He took a step back as the smell of flowers seemed to calm him for what he had to do next. He heard Asgore demand what he was here for, and he went up to his eyes pulling strings out, it no longer hurt anyways. He sent them out to shatter his soul in a second. He sighed and left the room of flowers that smelt like dust.

He soon killed everyone, it wasn't like they were hard to kill, the screams for mercy never being heard, it was always the same. That was until he found that the sans and frisk were nowhere to be found. He walked across the now almost empty underground, he hummed a tune, origins of which were now lost. He soon found them at the barrier as the frisk took their final breath and the sans cried out for their ' sweetheart to come back.' He took his strings out once more and as Error approached the sans, they stood up tears staining his face with a tired look of acknowledgment.

"I guess I will see you soon sweetheart." Flower sans spoke.

Error grabbed his soul and right as he shattered it he heard the sans last words.

"Thank you."

The Destroyer stood there and as he looked at the empty spot, soon a tear fell down his face, then another, and another, till he was left a sobbing mess. No one had ever thanked him for doing his job, it only made Error feel like a beast. He soon started seeing glitches all over his sight. Before he crashed he heard someone saying something he couldn't quite make out.


Error woke up and everything looked darker. He found himself in an unfamiliar bed and his alerts went on high as he inspected his surroundings. He was in a dark room with a tiled floor, all the furniture was made with a special kind of wood with some kind of magic on it, what it was for though remained a mystery. He uncovered himself from the fluffy blankets and walked out of the room and onto the rest of the house which had a pretty cold feeling to it and it had a stairway that seemed to curve down into eternity, he went down anyways feeling pretty refreshed since he hadn't slept that well since Azure left because of the nightmares and his job. 

He saw light enter through some curtains and he heard singing, as he entered a kitchen? He saw Reaper there dancing slightly as he gripped onto a spatula as a singing stick. Reaper was so distracted he didn't even realize the food was burning. It was kinda funny honestly, he had seen Horror do some similar things while cooking.

"Hey, there ya singing princess!" Error said loudly as he finally let out the laughter he had been keeping.

Reaper jumped and the pancake he had just barely picked up glided through the air and hit Error strait in the face. 

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