Alien Love Story

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Author's Note  - Written for Round One of CupidCorner's Romance Smackdown Number 3 (RSD3)

 Prompt - "Your task is to select one of those couples and write about their chance meeting at one of those locations, then skip forward several years to their second meeting at one of the other locations given."

I have used pictures - Locations #2 and #6  and Couples (ish) # 3

Word limit 3500 - 3216 (not counting this note)


Surreptitiously, Kel shifted his feet and rolled his shoulders as gently as he could. It was surprising how stiff you could get, just standing motionless in the one spot. Still, only another hour before he was off duty and he could go for a run. He cast a quick look over the crowd in front of him, automatically picking out the five most important people in the room. The city Mayor, wearing a floor length skyblue evening gown, the Spaceport Manager in his dress uniform and the most important guests of all, the three aliens.  

His first aliens. He remembered his surprise when they'd entered the building a few hours earlier. But they're human! he had thought, half amazed - half disappointed. Except they weren't. They were Sirians. Not that the aliens called it that of course - they knew the star Sirius B as Ardra, and their home planet, Arae. Although they gave the initial impression of looking human, on closer inspection there were subtle differences. For a start, Kel had soon noticed they had six fingers on each hand instead of five. And their eyes, there was that touch of red in the whites, which Kel saw flare to full crimson for a brief second as they adjusted to the bright lights of the Reception Room.  

Ambassador Vard, the lead diplomat, was tall - taller than anyone else in the room - though both his associates, a male and a female, were of average height so evidently stature was not a distinguishing feature. They all wore elaborate gowns of embroidered cloth, covering them from wrists to ankles, hiding any other differences which might have been noticeable. 

Kel found it hard to take his eyes off them. As a Protector, brought in specially for the occasion, it was part of his job to watch them - and to watch anyone who came near them - but that wasn't the reason. Well, not the only reason. Quite simply, the third alien was simply the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Once again, he thanked his lucky stars that Ortega had been struck down with the flu and he'd been called in to take his place. 

Kel tore his eyes away from the aliens for a moment to glance around the rest of the room, checking to see that there was nothing out of the ordinary. Fifty guests milled around the room, staring dutifully at the intricate, stylized murals of Old Earth as they waited for their turn to be introduced to the aliens. More were drawn to the huge window which filled one entire wall, showing the lights of the city, reflected in the water of the lake surrounding the Reception Centre. 

Even as Kel watched, the Mayor led the visitors over to the window, to see the view for themselves. The other guests moved hurriedly out of the way. 

"Our satellite, Luna, your Honours," the Mayor gestured to the huge silver orb in the sky. 

"Beautiful," commented Ambassador Vard. "We have two moons on Arae, but they are much smaller than this. Perhaps one day you will be able to visit and see them for yourself," he added politely. 

The Mayor smiled, regretfully, "I would have liked that very much." Already more than fifty years old, she knew there was no chance of that happening. Even with the most recent technological advances, space travel was for the young and fit. 

The Araean delegation was on Earth to set up an Embassy, as a preliminary to a trade agreement and to invite humans to establish a reciprocal Embassy on Arae. 

The Reception proceeded along its carefully orchestrated timetable. Kel was just about to heave a sigh of relief that nothing untoward had occurred to mar the evening, when he noticed a man hovering behind the alien female. Probably he was just waiting for a chance to be introduced, but there was something about the way he was standing that had Kel on sudden alert. The man's shoulders were stiff, as if they were bracing ... in a flash, Kel was across the floor. He swung the man around by the arm.  

"Excuse me, sir, I'd like you to come with me."  

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?" the man protested angrily. "Do you know who I am?" He tried to jerk his arm free but Kel kept a firm grip. If he'd made a mistake, he could apologise later. 

Kel saw the Mayor quickly usher the aliens back as another Protector appeared at his side. "Trouble?" 

"Maybe. Let's take him outside and we'll see." Smoothly, the two Protectors escorted the man into a small room and searched him. Everyone present had been scanned before entry, so they knew he carried no weapon, but some things just didn't show up. A piece of string long enough to circle a person's throat for instance - or the fact that a person was capable of killing with their bare hands.  

They found nothing suspicious but, even as he apologised, Kel believed he had made the right call. He didn't like the look in his captive's eyes. Embarrassment and even anger he would have expected, but not that flash of white hot fury.  

Better safe than sorry. Kel made a quick decision to hand the man over to the Spaceport guards for further questioning. 

When Kel returned to the Reception Room, he saw that the Mayor was winding up proceedings and that most of the guests were about to leave. Kel went to take up his position against the wall but the Mayor beckoned him imperiously with one hand. 

"Protector Kel? Envoy Ziva Juul would like to meet you." 

Kel swallowed as the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, gave him a tentative smile. Ebony curls framed a wide forehead, and perfect brows arched above eyes that were the colour of storm clouds.  

"Thank you," her voice was deep and soft. She extended a hand in the human way and Kel shook it gingerly, only just managing to hide the jolt it gave him. She smiled again and he realised to his embarrassment that he was still holding her hand. He dropped it quickly, a red flush staining his cheeks. 

Luckily, he thought, no-one else noticed. The Mayor was turning back after talking to the Ambassador. "Protector Kel, the Ambassador has requested a human bodyguard for each of his staff while they are here on Earth. Naturally they have their own people but he has pointed out, quite correctly in my opinion, that they don't know what behaviour is unusual for humans. What might indicate a potential threat." 

Kel just had time to feel a flash of jealousy towards the unknown bodyguard, when he realised the Mayor was still talking. 

"Ambassador Vard has requested you - to serve as a bodyguard for Envoy Juul. I hope that is acceptable?" 

"Oh yes. Uh, that is, of course, if my Captain agrees. I'd be honoured," Kel bowed low to hide his confusion.

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