A Letter From You - Part 2 (RSD 3.5)

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Will was waiting anxiously on the platform. James had been furious with him but Will was adamant. He knew it was impossible that Ken would have received his letter in that short time. How could he leave him to come home and not be there to meet him?

It was going to be excruciatingly difficult, but he owed him that at least.

Will swallowed convulsively as the dusty train drew into the station. He could see men leaning out of some of the windows, their weary faces lit up with hope and expectation. A woman holding a small child by the hand pushed past him, waving frantically at one of the faces. Jostled by the crush of people on the platform, Will stepped back, away from the crowd and the first frenzy of reunion. Any minute now he would see Ken‒at six feet two, he would tower over most of the people here.

Despite his efforts to stay calm, Will's heart was pounding in his chest. It had been so long! What would they say to each other? He craned his neck, searching for Ken through the flood of soldiers disembarking.

He swallowed again, as the next group of men struggled out of the carriage in front of him, all on crutches or with bandaged arms and heads. He winced in sympathy as he realised some wore an empty sleeve and wondered why they hadn't let the wounded disembark first. A man came out, hopping awkwardly on his one leg, held up between two comrades. His head was bandaged and his eyes were lost and unfocussed. Will looked away.

Where was Ken?

It was just like Ken to stay back and help others, he told himself.

Two soldiers appeared in the door, carrying a stretcher between them, and ice clenched around Will's heart. He stepped forward, and almost cried in relief as he realised the man on the stretcher was a stranger. Then he saw Ken.

Two crutches under his arms, Ken swung himself down from the carriage onto the platform. He looked older, his face drawn with pain and hunger, but it was still Ken. His eyes were searching the platform, with a mixture of hope and trepidation, looking for Will.

Will froze, trying to make sense of what his eyes were telling him, that Ken was missing his right leg from the knee down. Time slowed. For a moment, Will felt nothing except blank denial. How could they cope with that? How was Ken going to cope?

Then Will was rushing forward, not even aware of having made a decision.

"Ken!" Will's arms went out around his lover, pulling him hard against his chest. He wasn't allowed to kiss him in public, so he had to make do with some hearty slaps on the back. One of the crutches fell to the platform as Ken leaned into Will's embrace.

"God, I've missed you!" whispered Ken. "You were all that kept me going. Just knowing that you were here at home, waiting for me."

Will clenched his eyes, fighting back tears, breathing in Ken's familiar scent beneath the sweat and grime. He realised he had never actually stopped loving Ken, he had just been so lonely. This was his true lover, here in his arms‒his lover who needed him. In that minute, James faded away like smoke.

"Let's go home," said Will, thanking heaven and anyone else who would listen that he hadn't yet got around to moving out.


It was a hard couple of months. Frequent trips to the doctor, at first for Ken's pain relief and then for a prosthetic leg to be fitted. After the first blissful few days of reunion, there were angry arguments, hurt feelings and tears as Ken fought against Will's help. Eventually, Will had the sense to realise that he had to stand back and let Ken try to do things for himself, even if he failed. It was important for both of them for Ken to be as independent as possible.

Ken still had black days, when he was overwhelmed by his experiences in the war, needing to be alone while he dealt with the pain and depression. Equally disconcerting were those times when Ken wept on Will's shoulder, saying how grateful he was that Will was there. But Will thought those times were getting fewer. Once Ken had mastered the new leg, and was mobile again, the doctor had assured him Ken would improve even faster.

Will strode up to the door of their house, automatically checking the letter box as he entered. Empty.

"Hi, honey, I'm home!" he called out, teasing, as he climbed the stairs.

He saw the pride shining in Ken's face as he answered, with a smile. "Guess what? I made it all the way down to the letter box myself today. And look," he laughed and held something up for Will to see, "it must have followed me all over Europe! A letter from you!"

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