Climax Part 4 (RSD 3.6)

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Kel and Ziron looked around cautiously when Marcella opened the door of the time machine. They had spent a fascinating hour in their journey from the space-port, bombarding Marcella with questions about this new technology, but now they had supposedly arrived at their destination. They appeared to be surrounded by live trees - growing in the ground.

"Are you sure this is Earth?" asked Kel. "I didn't know there was anywhere you could find plants like these. Are we in a museum?"

Marcella flashed a quick smile at Kel, who she thought was cute. "This is what you would call 'Old Earth'. We are now five hundred and seventy years before your time. What used to be called the twenty-first century. Now gentlemen, I've got one more trip to make. If you follow that path - you'll reach the hotel where the Awards ceremony is to be held. Lots of luck in the competition!"

Marcella and the time machine vanished, leaving Kel and Ziron alone on this, to all intents and purposes, alien world.

Automatically, Kel scanned his surroundings for any threat before ushering Ziron along the path, slipping back into his role as his bodyguard, though he couldn't help staring at the trees from time to time. Perhaps he'd have an opportunity later to sneak outside and study them more closely.

Kel and Ziron entered the ballroom, marvelling at the unusual decorations. They blinked to see the room full of strangers, all human as far as they could tell, and they were unaware that they moved closer together, each seeking unconscious support from the other.

A slight sound had Kel spinning around on his heel. Two men were entering the room behind him, one dressed in a rather classy looking grey suit and the other wearing a bright red jacket. To Kel's experienced eye, they were a couple. And if he wasn't mistaken, the older man was a Protector like himself - or whatever passed for that on this world.

The older man was holding out his hand, "Rob Martin," he said, "And my friend, Cal Harris."

Kel took it, as was evidently expected. "I'm Protector Kel," he answered. "And this is Ziron Juul, from Arae."

"I haven't heard of Arae. Whereabouts is it? Scotland?" Rob Martin's polite smile faded as he got a closer look at Ziron. To do him credit he accepted the six-fingered hand offered, with only minimal hesitation.

"A world in the Ardrae system," answered Ziron cheerfully, before Kel could stop him. "I believe you call it Sirius."

"Ah," said Rob, faintly.

At that precise moment, a horrible sound rather like someone strangling a cow, filled the ballroom.

Everyone clapped their hands over their ears and turned to stare at the man carrying a small bag under his arm. His cheeks swelled and he blew into the bag again.

"Enough! Enough!" exclaimed a red haired man wearing a kilt and a smart black jacket. He stood on top of a staircase leading down into the ballroom from the upper floor. He scanned the room quickly. Disappointingly, he couldn't see any young nubile fans of the female persuasion, however, a pretty young man was giving him the eye. Angus winked at him. He didn't actually swing that way but a fan was a fan - right?

For a brief second, he wished he had invited Honey and asked her to bring some of her friends, but on the other hand, she would very likely have broken both his arms and legs if he had so much thought about crossing the line, so on second thoughts perhaps it was a good thing he hadn't got round to issuing the invitation. All this flashed though his mind in a fraction of the time it took to write this. The man with the black bag put it down by his side, drew back his shoulders, and announced in a loud voice. "Your host for the evening! Mr Angus Ecrivain!"

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