TimeLab Inc - Day 6

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Day Six

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Day Six

Madison Square Garden, USA, 19th May 1962

"It's our last day, today," said Zak as he lay in bed next to Sam that morning. "Looking forward to the President's party? Marcella said she'll park on the roof again and we should be able to slip inside if we wear our suits. We'll be able to find a spot up amongst the girders, maybe on a catwalk or somewhere."

"It'll be great, won't it? Actually hearing Marilyn sing, in person."

"It'll be excellent!"

The time machine landed on the roof of the third Madison Square Garden, which would be demolished only a few years later in 1968. Sam and Zak were already dressed in their light-bending suits with a map of the top story‒access for technicians only‒downloaded to their eyeshields.

They found their way to the lookout spot without too much trouble and settled in to stare at the crowd below while they waited. The magnification feature of the eyeshields came in very handy. They had arrived about half way through the party and other performers were entertaining the guests.

"Isn't that Ella Fitzgerald?" breathed Sam.

"I think so," said Zak.

Eventually a stunningly beautiful woman appeared on stage, followed by the master of ceremonies, Peter Lawford. "Mr President, the late Marilyn Monroe," joked Lawford, who had been waiting all evening for Marilyn to arrive.

Sam and Zak stared at each other, bewildered.

"But that's not Marilyn," said Zak, at exactly the same time that Sam said, "Who's that?"

They peered at the woman with their eyeshields on maximum magnification. "It looks like Marilyn," admitted Zak. "But she's got black hair. I thought she was always a blonde? Wasn't that her trademark?"

Sam was nodding. "I've seen photos of this event from the archives. She was definitely blonde at this concert. Something's wrong."

Although she sang "Happy Birthday, Mr President," in as sultry a voice as Zak and Sam had imagined, both men were distracted by the incongruity of a Marilyn Monroe with glossy black hair.

"It's the compound effect of time travel," said Sam. "It's changed history again."

Zak didn't want to believe him, but... something had definitely changed.

"We should get back to the time machine and tell Marcella. We need to report this to someone," he told Sam.

Sam nodded grimly. "So far the changes appear to be relatively minor, but who knows what will happen next time? TimeLabs should hold off on any more trips until they sort this out."

Marcella was reluctant to take them seriously. "Are you sure she hadn't just dyed her hair for the concert?" she protested. Unconsciously her hand went to rub her wounded shoulder. In the end though, she agreed that they should return a little earlier than planned, and report their concerns to Jennifer Rose, the manager of TimeLab.

They returned to 2155, arriving in a different room from the one they had left a week ago. Zak and Sam couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief, much as they had enjoyed the trip. That last incident with the change of Marilyn's hair colour had thrown them more than they wanted to admit.

Marcella spent a minute confirming that Ms Rose was available to see them, then led the way down a long passage. They turned a corner into another passage and were just in time to see the backs of three figures disappearing into a room. They recognised the salesman who had sold them their package. He was accompanying a young couple‒a smartly dressed man, and a woman with long red hair.

The door shut behind them.

"That was weird," commented Sam. "That man looked just like you, Zak, from the back. Have you got a twin brother?"

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