Love Spider - Tarsus

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Joey sat in front of the television, feeling angry with Evan. That didn't happen very often these days, but it had tonight. Evan had gone out, without him. For some reason, Evan decided he needed to catch up with Matt at the pub, and Joey hadn't been invited.

Joey poured himself another glass of wine and drank it. He turned off the remote with a jab on the button. How could he be expected to watch their favourite program without Evan beside him? How could Evan be so selfish?

He went to bed, still angry.

An hour later, Joey woke with a start. He glanced over at the other side of the bed but it was empty. Evan must still be out with Matt. Joey was feeling very peculiar - his stomach was queasy and he couldn't feel his legs properly. He frowned - surely he hadn't drunk that much! But now he was awake, he needed to use the toilet and he should get a glass of water.

Grumbling to himself, he scrambled out of bed, and fell straight to the floor. He lay there, feeling a touch of fear for the first time. Where was Evan when he needed him?

What on earth was the matter with him - what was wrong with his legs? Had they gone to sleep while he was lying in an awkward position? He reached down to slap his legs rather briskly to get the blood circulating again, but instead found he was touching soft fur.

Joey swore. Was that Snuggles? How had he got in? He wasn't supposed to come into the bedroom. He was lucky Joey hadn't fallen right on top of him.

Well, he couldn't lie here on the floor all night. He reached up and switched on the bedside lamp- and screamed.

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