Love Spider - Pedipalps

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Author's Note - Written for Round Two of the RSD 3 challenge

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Author's Note - Written for Round Two of the RSD 3 challenge.

Prompts -

You have one choice from 14 mythical creatures. Your main character stupidly falls down a 'rabbit hole' and comes out the other side to find that the world is exactly the same as the one he/she left, with one difference; it's occupied by mythical creatures as well as humans. Your character becomes this mythical creature. The only issue is, your character is in love with a human. Using up to 4,000 words, you are to write the story of how your character does - or does not - win the heart of his/her love.

My character is Jorogumo.

Evan was sitting at the bar, nursing a beer when he first saw Joey. He'd been waiting for his friend Matt for nearly an hour and he was just considering whether to drain his drink and call it a night when he heard his name called. There was Matt, pushing through the crowd toward him, followed by the most beautiful man Evan had ever seen. Evan's eyes skipped over Matt as if he didn't exist, focussing instead on the silky, blond hair that was falling into bright blue eyes, the delicate features and those lips already curving into a smile.

Evan realised Matt was speaking to him.

"Hi Evan, sorry I'm late! Joey decided he wanted to come along at the last minute. He takes forever to get ready." To Evan's amazement, Matt actually looked a bit annoyed. How could anyone be annoyed with this gorgeous man?

"But you have to admit, Mr Grumpy, it's worth it." Joey dug a teasing elbow into Matt's side and smiled at Evan.

Evan smiled back. "Hi. I'm Evan, and you must be Joey. How do you two know each other?" he asked Matt, unaware he was holding his breath for the answer. Just friends, please God, let them just be friends.

"Joey's a friend of Damon. Remember Damon White? Angie's friend? I ran into them both at a party a couple of months ago. Joey and I have been seeing each other since." Evan's heart fell straight into his shoes.

"Off and on," said Joey, "We haven't moved in together or anything. I'm too young to settle down," he laughed.

Evan saw Matt tighten his lips, and frowned slightly. What was wrong with Matt? Couldn't he see Joey was just teasing him?

Joey put an arm around Matt's waist and gave a playful squeeze. Then he smiled at Evan again and flicked the hair out of his eyes. "So who's going to buy me a drink? I rather fancy a Mango Daiquiri tonight."

"I'll get it," said Evan quickly. "What would you like, Matt?"


Joey fancied Evan from the moment he saw him. True, he wasn't as tall and handsome as Matt - Evan was only just taller than Joey himself, with rather ordinary brown hair and hazel eyes - but he had a sweetness of expression. A kindness, that called to him. That told him, that - maybe - this man was the one.

Even before he met Evan, Matt had been starting to get on his nerves. He was always criticising something Joey'd done or hadn't done. Not that long ago, it seemed Matt couldn't get enough of him - but lately, where were the dinners for two? The romantic nights, cuddled up together on the sofa watching a movie? Lately, Matt seemed more interested in going out with his friends than spending time with Joey.

Less than a month later, he had broken up with Matt and was seeing Evan.


"Hullo, lover. I've got 'The Matrix' out on DVD, all three episodes," said Joey. "I thought you might like to come over tonight and watch them with me." He smiled as he spoke into the phone, glancing over at the bottle of expensive cabernet he had just bought and placed on the kitchen counter.

There was a small pause. "Oh dear, I'd love to, baby, but not tonight. Tonight's the night I'm catching up with Angie and Julia, remember? They've invited me to dinner. Angie's cooking vindaloo."

"Oh. Right."

"I'd invite you to come with me," Evan said, untruthfully, knowing that his lover and Angie didn't get on well at the best of times, "but I know how you hate anything too spicy. Can we make it tomorrow night instead?"

"They're over-nighters," said Joey, in flat tones.

There was another pause on Evan's end of the phone and Joey took a breath and changed tack. "Never mind!" he said quickly, "It doesn't matter. I'll get them out again another time. I'd forgotten you were going out tonight."

"Are you sure, baby?" asked Evan anxiously. He hated upsetting Joey. "It's just that this has been arranged for quite awhile. I know they're looking forward to seeing me."

"Of course. You go out and have fun."

For a brief moment, Evan considered cancelling the dinner but he knew Angie would have gone to a lot of trouble. He hadn't seen much of her or Julia recently, and he was looking forward to a home-cooked meal and finding out what his friends had been up to.

"All right then. I'll see you later." He'd go out tonight, and make amends with Joey tomorrow, Evan decided. Surprise him with a box of their favourite chocolates.

But when he turned up with the box of chocolates, Joey opened the door with his arm in a sling.

"Oh my God, baby. What happened?" Evan was horrified.

"It's nothing, I just sprained my wrist," explained Joey, ushering Evan inside. "Would you believe, I tripped over the damn cat? I put my hands out to break the fall and ended up like this."

"When did it happen?" asked Evan.

"Last night. I was on my way to the bathroom when Snuggles shot right between my feet!" The large fluffy grey and white cat ensconced in a nearby chair, blinked at the sound of his name, then went back to sleep when he saw no-one was paying him any attention.

"Last night? But why didn't you call me?"

"I knew you were out with Angie. I didn't want to spoil your evening."

"But baby, you should have called me. You're more important than a silly dinner," said Evan. He felt terribly guilty that he'd been out enjoying himself while Joey had an accident. "How did you get to the hospital?"

"I called an ambulance," said Joey. "It hurt so much I thought I'd broken my wrist - but it was only a sprain." He smiled bravely.

"An ambulance?" Evan wrapped his arms around him, tears starting to form as he pictured Joey frightened and in pain.

"You should have called me," he repeated. "Now, you're going to sit down with your feet up, while we watch those DVDs. Don't worry, I'll pay the late fee," Evan said firmly, surreptitiously wiping his eyes. "What would you like to drink? Can you have a glass of wine or are you on painkillers?"

"I'm sure one glass wouldn't hurt me," said Joey, snuggling into the sofa cushions. "Open that bottle there - I bought it for you."

"You spoil me - you know that?" said Evan as he saw the expensive bottle of cabernet on the kitchen counter. He opened the bottle and poured two generous glasses. "I almost forgot. I brought you some chocolates. Let's have them now, shall we?"

He sat down next to Joey and put an arm round his shoulders, the chocolates on his lap. "Now, let's watch that DVD."

Joey sighed happily, his wrist hardly hurt at all now. His favourite chocolates, a lovely bottle of wine, Evan sitting next to him where he belonged - just the two of them. He loved Evan so much - he was never going to let him go.

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