Fiddler's Green - The Train

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Author's Note - my entry for Round 3

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Author's Note - my entry for Round 3.3 of the Romance Smack Down.

Genre - Action Romance. Scenario - A railway incident.

Prompts, two songs - "Here I go again" by Whitesnake and "Fiddler's Green" by Stereophonic

Word limit 5000 - mine is 2921)

The train was just preparing to draw out of the station when Cal leapt aboard. He had no idea where the train was going - he just knew he had to go somewhere fast - anywhere would do.

He made his way along the aisle between the rows of seated passengers, searching for an empty spot as the train swayed and shook. His luck was in. The seat right at the front of the carriage was empty and he flung himself across to the window side, automatically glancing at the reflection in the glass. He could see the other passengers behind him in the carriage quite clearly. The young lad with a gray hoodie pulled close around his face, the elderly couple, the fat woman with bags overflowing on the seat next to her, the frazzled mother with two young children already kicking their feet against the seat ... All normal post peak-hour travellers. His gaze continued down the length of the carriage.

He didn't know a soul. Cal breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the cap off his head and rammed it into a pocket. Then he eased out of his bright red jacket and casually turned it inside out so that the black side showed. While his eyes looked vacantly out the window, his fingers worked quickly to insert what looked like an ordinary USB stick into a tiny pocket in the collar's seam. Then he folded the jacket and placed it against the window, using it as a makeshift pillow for his head. His blue eyes appeared to close, but in fact he was keeping a sharp watch on the passengers in the carriage. No-one seemed to be paying him any attention whatsoever - all good so far.

He tried to relax. The train was evidently an express. Stations flashed past and soon they were through the suburbs and out into the countryside. Green fields and cows replaced the streets and houses. Cal wondered where, and when, the train was going to stop. He had already decided to get out at the first major town, though presumably if it was an express it wouldn't stop at any of the smaller stations anyway.

He sighed. Unbidden, the words from Whitesnake's latest hit song drifted through his mind. It was certainly true that he didn't know where he was going, but he sure as hell knew where he'd been. His lips curved into an unconscious smile as he remembered the man from last night.

(to be continued...)

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