Love Spider - Abdomen

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It was rather frightening, thought Joey, how easy it was to forget that there had ever been another world. Apart from the presence of once-mythical creatures, everything else was the same. The people were the same, the countries, the governments - more or less. He still hadn't quite gotten used to seeing a Bunyip as the Prime Minister of Australia, but he hadn't voted for him anyway. 

Of all the people he knew - including Evan - he was the only one who seemed to remember things had ever been different.  

Though sometimes he wondered if Evan's friend Angie might remember too. He'd never forget the look on her face when the four of them went to the beach, on their one and only outing together, and Julia turned into a mermaid as soon as she hit the water. He couldn't help smiling at the memory. Ha! That would teach Angie to interfere between him and Evan, always trying to separate them, to get Evan to do things without him. 

When would Evan realise he didn't need her anymore? Not when he had Joey. 


Evan was sitting at the bar again, waiting for Matt. It had been a long time since he'd seen him - in fact, now he thought about it, he hadn't seen him since he'd been going out with Joey. At first because it would have been too awkward for everyone, after all Joey had broken up with Matt so he could go out with Evan, and then because - well, because Joey said he still felt awkward. But today Matt had rung Evan and said he'd like to catch up. He had sounded cheerful and friendly, not a bit as if he was holding a grudge, but he had also been quite clear that the invitation was for Evan only. 

"Evan! It's good to see you!" Evan looked up to see Matt standing beside him. He was smiling. "Give me a hug! It's been ages." 

Evan found he was smiling too. The two men hugged and slapped each other on the back. Damnit, thought Evan, it was good to see Matt - it had been too long. "So how are you?" 

"Good - really good. And you?"  

"Oh, you know, fine." 

"You look a bit tired. Burning the candle at both ends, are you?" Matt looked searchingly at Evan, fighting to hide the shock he felt at the change in his friend. Evan looked tired and drawn, as if he had aged ten years. 

"No, not really," Evan laughed. "This is the first time I've been out for ages." 

"You still with Joey?" asked Matt. 

"Yes." Evan felt self-conscious, as if he should apologise. But Matt interrupted before he could get the words out. 

"You don't need to worry, I don't blame you or anything." Matt paused, considering his words. "I felt a bit relieved to be honest, when Joey and I broke up. I think we'd run our course - I was starting to feel a bit trapped." 

"Trapped?" asked Evan sceptically, on the verge of taking offense. 

Matt put a hand on his arm. "Bear with me for a moment. I don't know about you, but I found Joey very demanding, needy almost. We always had to do everything together, I mean everything apart from going to the toilet, and I was starting to feel like I didn't have a life of my own." 

"I don't know what you mean," protested Evan. "Of course he wants to do things together, we love each other." 

"Tell me, when was the last time you did anything by yourself? Apart from coming out tonight? " 

"It wasn't that long ago. And so what? I like doing things with Joey." 

Matt wasn't finished. "And when did you last see Angie and Julia? Angie said she hasn't seen you in four weeks, you used to be always in and out of each other's pockets." 

"Well things change. She's got Julia and I've got Joey to consider." 

"Being in a relationship shouldn't mean you have to turn into a recluse." Matt was worried that he was fighting a losing battle, but he had to keep trying. 

Evan was starting to feel defensive - and angry. "Matt, did Angie put you up to this?" 

"She's worried about you, and now that I see you - I'm worried too!" 

"You don't need to be! I'm fine!" Evan shook his head. He stood up to leave. "Joey told me she was jealous, but I didn't believe him - until now." 

He decided to walk home, it wasn't far and he needed to work off his anger.  

He felt a bit breathless as he strode along, which was a bit of a worry - the walk wasn't that far. Perhaps he should consider going back to the gym again and building up his fitness. He smiled as he remembered how jealous Joey had been, complaining that the other men were checking out Evan's taut muscles. So naturally enough he'd stopped going. Maybe they could get a fitness machine for the lounge so he wouldn't have to go out. 

Evan sighed. He'd been looking forward to catching up with Matt and only see what had happened - he wouldn't make that mistake again! 

He turned into their street and quickened his pace. Nearly home!

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